Example sentences of "on [det] [noun] because [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Hopefully , that 's what bands get when they 're here now : more hours spent on each record because there 's only 12 artists . ’
2 ‘ If I am wearing a pure white carnation I am best avoided on that day because it means I am in a bad mood , ’ he said , adding that he always warns new acquaintances of this fact but has as yet not lived up to the threat .
3 My usual reluctance was reinforced on that occasion because I should have been doubly embarrassed to admit to the Dutch travellers that I was a Member of Parliament .
4 Could we could we set up a a a conversation on that on that subject because we might
5 Yeah well I do n't take a lot a notice of Dorothy on that score because she go she says , I do n't know why I do it !
6 Well I mean you can relax on that score because you had a very good half hour run with me .
7 With the aid of the LFS we were able to examine further the extent to which members of the temporary labour force in the hotel and catering industry were working on that basis because they had been unable to find permanent jobs , and to what extent they were doing so because they did not want permanent jobs .
8 ‘ You ca n't sell something on that basis because it 's vacuous and vapid and would never sustain on a weekly basis .
9 can we put on that side because I think that 's where to keep it .
10 I did n't employ you on that business because you had other duties .
11 Madam Deputy Speaker I was gon na give a very illustrative example of what I 'm talking about but perhaps I will allow the house to have that example on another occasion because I actually would prefer not to be er er er prevented from giving you the most vivid story of what I 'm talking about .
12 I think we 've really got to do something about it and hold a proper supervisory and see what 's going to go on this year because it 's , it gets worse .
13 The 1927 Conference heard a moving appeal on the issue from a miner 's wife who referred to the women 's support for male trade unionists during the 1926 General Strike : ‘ Surely you will not turn the women down on this question because it was the women who stood four-square with you in your dispute ? ’
14 ‘ There is no particular guidance on this problem because it should be well known by the industries that use [ the gas ] , ’ said a spokesman last week .
15 I persuaded her to come on this course because I thought it would be a change for us both . ’
16 ‘ Only one on this bike because it 's only got one seat ’ , ( Simon 4.3 ) .
17 They ca n't even tear up the hotels on this tour because they 're sleeping on the tour bus .
18 The headmaster paused , reminding himself of his conclusion that the privilege of educating the sons of the royal house had been conferred on this school because it was uniquely endowed with a philosophy which informed all its actions and made it equal to the task .
19 In lower-skilled and unskilled jobs , and in areas of higher unemployment , the casual labour force in hotels and catering includes people working on this basis because they are unable to find any other job .
20 Using LFS data , Table 7.1 shows that temporary workers in semi- and lower skilled industrial occupations are more likely to be working on this basis because they do not want permanent jobs .
21 ‘ If you 're staying on this ward because you think he 'll notice you and start asking you out — him or any other good-looking doctor — then you 'll be here till Doomsday . ’
22 well this , no , fifty one , er this was the last house to be completed on this estate because it had been used as a paint store and we were the very last people
23 They first hit on this method because they were suddenly deprived of their darkroom , shortly before they had to prepare a show .
24 She liked working with her father too on such days because she could be commanded by him without being suspicious of him .
25 The reflector glass can be positioned directly in front of the speaker but I prefer to use wing glasses on either side because it lessens the barrier with the audience and leaves more room for photography .
26 Erm but it , it , it was very hard , very hard on these families because they worked really hard and the children kept on coming .
27 New clause 3 touches on those issues because it proposes that , after consultation with the Audit Commission , the chief inspector ought to be able to ’ undertake studies in connection with his functions to improve efficiency , economy and effectiveness in the management of schools ’ .
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