Example sentences of "on [pers pn] [adv] [conj] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Oh , just you try forcing yourself on me again and your world will explode .
2 ‘ You ever pull that on me again and I 'll fucking kill you . ’
3 And then I began to become very worried about it and it just happened by chance that one Friday morning I heard a programme on Radio Brighton , and it was Doctor Wisbey speaking about dyslexia , and it dawned on me immediately that my son was dyslexia .
4 I 'm a loyal person , though , and he can rely on me even if he has hurt my feelings .
5 In the second chapter of Philippians , a little bit before where we read , Paul 's describing the seriousness of the illness of his friend and companion , Ep Aproditus And even although he had written that the thought of his own death caused him no qualms whatever , when he was writing about his friend , Aproditus being at the point of death , he said , But God had mercy on him and not only upon him but on me also lest I should have sorrow on sorrow .
6 At least the manager did n't pounce on me just because I shut my eyes for a few moments . ’
7 Do you think you can vent your temper on me just as you please ?
8 Yes er actually the lady dropped in on me yesterday so I
9 It made as little impression on me then as it does now . ’
10 It 's just dawning on me now that I 'm not rea I mean you know having had a conversation , proper conversation with my dad this weekend just me
11 tape on the it went and did it again on me now and it 's well and truly gone I 'll have to buy another one .
12 Come on car , do n't start playing on me now when I want to get home .
13 Do n't stop playing on me now when I get home for a cup of tea !
14 ‘ And keep an eye on me so that I wo n't escape , ’ she bit out before biting into her toast .
15 And it brought home to me with a rush something which had been slowly dawning on me ever since I joined the Air Force ; that I had been spoiled for quite a long time now .
16 showed mercy on them even though they did not show mercy on him .
17 Timothy Gedge , with his hollow cheeks and his gawkiness , had picked on them even though he did n't know them , even though they 'd done him no harm .
18 You get on them slowly and they register one weight ; if you jump on them with gusto they register something quite different .
19 But the existence of these functions does not mean that the towns depended on them exclusively and it did not prevent them from acquiring others from the normal expected range .
20 This gets you to concentrate on them rather than yourself and you 'll discover that even the most famous people value your compliments .
21 The tiles have grooves and ridges on them so that they do not fall out .
22 He did n't play with the kids , he used to hit them , he 'd take it out on them more than me .
23 But as the directives are binding only if they do not deviate much from right reason and as we should act on them only if they are binding , we always have to go back to fundamentals .
24 She had been working on them ever since she had got home , reading and re-reading the articles , but there was still no clue to unravel the mystery .
25 She says she 's called on you already and she 's helping you with your enquiries .
26 I do n't want to put any pressure on you here but we 're all using you as a role model for our
27 Remember , there 's all the rest of us counting on you even though they do n't know it .
28 Remember I told you I 'd be keeping tabs on you even though I was far away ? ’
29 We need to know the effect the injury has had on you so that we can determine what type of medical evidence we need and when .
30 People get to love you and they rely on you so when they need you , you ca n't turn your back on them .
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