Example sentences of "on [art] same [noun] i " in BNC.

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1 On the same afternoon I met with the rail unions and ( loyally supported by Peter Parker ) put the position to them .
2 On the same holiday I came across a sandy bank in a patch of sun — except that the patch was a dazzling blue .
3 The House of Commons debated the crisis on 2 August , and on the same day I was married to Mary Patrick in Southport , formally recording my profession as ‘ Schoolmaster ( Grammar ) ’ .
4 The results of those studies were published on 25 September , and on the same day I announced the start of a three-month public consultation period during which interested parties could make written representations to me on the contents of the reports produced by Hydrotechnica .
5 It was hard to believe we had been indulging the same appetite for climbing and on the same crag I had visited during a July heatwave three years before .
6 I was also reminded that on the same floor I woke up one morning to find the sun shining through the curtains , it being the only day of the entire Frankfurt Book Fair that my room was not below cloud level .
7 On the same subject I would advise the author that hot glue is not a necessity to make a joint without cramps — it can be made equally as well with a cold glue .
8 And this means that if on the same grounds I claim today to know that it will rain in the afternoon , I must continue to assert that I knew yesterday that it would rain that afternoon ( in the teeth of the evidence ) .
9 This is good news for all because with a few modifications hopefully on the same car I may be in with a chance for first prize next year where the prize money increases plus a trip to the States to see their ‘ Sound Off Championships ’ .
10 But on the same score I 'm afraid I must be an a narrow minded urban socialist well okay , I 've never lived in a city but if you want to call me that , fine .
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