Example sentences of "on [art] [noun] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The L & NWR Company had entered on the deeds the condition , that in the event the building ceasing to become a school , ownership would revert to the Church .
2 For example , on the diagram the points corresponding to concentration c 3 are joined and extrapolated to intersect with an imaginary line corresponding to the value of k′c 3 on the abscissa ; similarly all points measured at 90° are joined and extrapolated until the point corresponding to is reached .
3 When it is my turn on the sledge the experience is incomparable .
4 On the LME a number of firms hold themselves out and behave as market makers without the legally enforceable obligation to quote prices described above .
5 The tank is located in a room whose walls contain recognizable orienting cues ; thus on the north wall there may be a clock , on the south a source of light , on the east an animal cage and so forth .
6 A Liberal Party spokesman refused to be drawn on the price the Government wanted if it had met the demands , saying that , since the deal fell through , it was hypothetical .
7 The person covered by the Plan is the person named on the Home Management Account Application Form , who on the date the Application is made must be : less than 65 years of age actively in permanent and gainful employment ( including self-employment ) of not less than 16 hours a week , and not absent due to sickness or injury .
8 In addition to the general responsibilities of directors , the FSA confers responsibility for listing particulars and prospectuses on each person who is a director on the date the listing particulars are submitted to the Stock Exchange or issued .
9 Where a lease creates a term of years which is expressed to run from some date earlier than that of the execution of the lease , the term created will be a term which begins on the date the lease is executed , and not the earlier date .
10 The Rentcharges Act 1977 prohibited the creation of further rent-charges , and provided also for the extinguishment of all existing rentcharges at the end of sixty years starting on 22 July 1977 , or on the date the rentcharge first became payable , whichever is later .
11 If on the date the seller fails or refuses to deliver , the buyer can buy similar goods from elsewhere at the same or a cheaper price , then prima facie the buyer 's damages are only nominal .
12 So I suppose if he 'd been on the Road every day he 'd have won the Open !
13 Early in the afternoon , on the third day of walking without the wheelbarrow , four men appeared on the road a quarter of a mile further up the canyon .
14 And er , as I say , observing this and watching Hector 's work and how things have gone on over the years , er as you know , there 's been a tremendous revival of interest in driving , so many people have er , restored carts or had new ones built and erm the young farriers who 've never had the experience with driving horses , they have run into problems with erm , keeping them going soundly and overcoming problems which crop up when horses are driven on the road a lot .
15 ‘ Though that is true only up to a point — last year after the dog fox was killed on the road the vixen called for three nights , the saddest sound I ever heard . ’
16 On the morrow the Cid took Doña Ximena by the hand , and her daughters with her , and made them go up upon the highest tower of the Alcazar , and they looked toward the sea and saw the great power of the Moors , how they came on and drew nigh , and began to pitch their tents round about Valencia , beating their tambours and with great uproar .
17 For example in one school we asked the head of French to show us on the shelves the books she had ordered under the project .
18 On the coin the emperor is shown wearing a toga and seated on a chair , receiving the laurel branches of victory .
19 Once out on the highway the apprehension of the verderers grew less .
20 This immunity has now been abolished by the Animals Act 1971 , so that where damage is caused by animals straying on the highway the question of liability is to be decided in accordance with the ordinary principles of negligence .
21 The mouse 's natural response is to move away from the handler and while pulling gently backwards on the tail the mouse can be pinned to the grid between the thumb and bent forefinger of the free hand .
22 The same fieldwork student would also rapidly examine the publication in question , and , using a code , would record on the call-slip the type of publication issued , as well as details of its method of acquisition and physical condition .
23 I found the wire loops , though , having seen the boys set them , and I tore them out or put them under the grass on the paths the boys used to take when they came to inspect their traps .
24 Once on the promenade a boy had laughed at him .
25 Measurements of the HI and CO lines enable one to infer for each point on the sky the column density of HI and H 2 moving with a given velocity , but the inferred H 2 column densities are cruder because of the extra interpretive step required .
26 There is not a golfer among us who would not be out on the green every day if the weather and our partners would allow .
27 ( 5 ) Where a licence is transferred under this section to any person , the clerk of the licensing board shall , on payment of the appropriate fee , endorse on the licence a note of the transfer .
28 Mass production together with the mechanisation of labour impose on the worker a return to infantile living conditions , and
29 We do n't see much of them in the daytime , but at night the bedbugs crawl out from under our mats , and we listen to the cockroaches munching away merrily in the food-basket between our heads , and to the brittle scrabbling of their feet on the ceiling a couple of feet above us .
30 On the ceiling a procession of blessed souls ascended the ladder that led to Heaven , on one wall St. George thrust his spear into the belly of a squirming dragon , and on another St. Catherine was being roasted on a wheel .
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