Example sentences of "on [pos pn] [noun pl] as [pron] " in BNC.

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1 So I was mentally on my toes as I took a floater into the city and then left it , mingling with all the pedestrians thronging the walkways .
2 Here in Langdale an ewe stood weakly , blood still damp on its haunches as its offspring staggered in the shock of birth , cord still trailing in the grass .
3 It squeaked and jingled on its hinges as they swung it behind them .
4 Crouched in the shadows , Scathach watched , but his eyes were on Tallis , not on her fingers as they moved swiftly over the charm .
5 At last he released her , setting her back on her feet as he gazed down into her strangely unfocused eyes .
6 In the next instant Travis was rising and she was set back on her feet as he put some distance between them .
7 Her mouth opened hungrily beneath his and she heard his hoarse intake of breath , his fingers relaxing fractionally on her wrists as his kiss grew deep and passionate , and she responded , kissing him back , her eyes closing and her head tilting back as her body arched softly against his .
8 ‘ Oh , God , do n't move like that , ’ he bit out roughly , his hands tightening on her hips as he lowered his head , mouth hungrily seeking hers .
9 Ann thought it unseemly to kiss her husband in public , but she had no such reservations as far as her son was concerned , and hugged him tight , choking on her words as she whispered to him to take care of himself .
10 All she later remembered was the strength of his hands on her shoulders as he forced her back against the bark of an apple tree and held her there , imprisoned .
11 She gripped his hand as tightly as she could , feeling a terrific wrench on her shoulders as he tried to haul her in , steadying himself against the door to ensure that he did n't end up suffering the same fate as his companion .
12 It was Rune who broke the close embrace , lifting his head away , his hands still tender on her shoulders as he scanned her face , his own features harshly set .
13 Dinah closed her eyes for an instant , letting the long lashes lie on her cheeks as she walked .
14 Kate leant her chin on her hands as she considered his last words .
15 About to tell him hotly that she would not accept any legacy , Jenna was interrupted sharply , the words dying on her lips as he stood and began to pace about restlessly , hands in his pockets .
16 Her protest died on her lips as his arms brushed across her breasts , and a fierce feeling of confusion swept over her .
17 Instead she sipped her coffee slowly , a small smile on her lips as she saw his expectation of the scene he was sure she would make slowly die .
18 Shannon pulled the door open , her arms flung wide apart in exuberant welcome , but the broad smile froze on her lips as she found herself confronted by a tall , masculine figure .
19 She faltered to a stop , Benedict 's name hovering on her lips as she looked uncertainly into Theda 's face .
20 Old people are not as steady on their feet as they once were , and falls may occur through loss of balance , weak arms or legs or poor eyesight .
21 Morthen was running from the enclosure , slapping the taut hides on their frames as she passed them , her clay-streaked hair flying free .
22 Together they were the opposite of women who will nod and nod as they pretend to listen to another , waiting for the first pause of breath to muscle in with the growing pains and glories of their own house , the impatience showing on their faces as they wait .
23 A junior platoon , still weeks from their own Pass-Off Parade , marches slowly past , the fatigue of a day 's fieldcraft training mixing with a look of envy on their faces as they notice the celebration of those for whom training is now a memory .
24 ‘ Serious , I 'd say , ’ said the second constable , but they both had grins on their faces as they resumed their beat .
25 Carrie felt sad when she saw the worried looks on their faces as they sat talking quietly , their hands cupped around mugs of steaming hot tea .
26 Howard gazes out of the window of his official car at people in the streets , trying to read the expression on their faces as they wait for buses or try to cross the road .
27 Most people were not taxed on their earnings as they were not French citizens , and there was nothing to spend money on apart from cigarettes , beer , and trips into town .
28 For generations to come , nevertheless , most collections of this kind remained very patchy and incomplete , largely because ministers and diplomats tended to look on their papers as their personal property and to retain them when they gave up office .
29 On other occasions he would try to frighten ladies of the court by planting plastic frogs and spiders on their laps as they played bridge .
30 With the big move scheduled for February I 'm sure the Senior Management will have enough on their minds as it is .
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