Example sentences of "on [pos pn] [noun] by the " in BNC.

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1 I want a list on my desk by the time I get back . ’
2 ‘ Have some sketches on my desk by the end of next week , ’ he commanded .
3 I was especially impressed on my tour by the glass section , the textiles , the jewellery , and the car designs .
4 I was on my knees by the time we unpacked the sandwiches and tried to find the energy to chew , and I recall making small high-pitched squeaking noises in reply to any attempt at a chat .
5 the jet held on its course by the steady pressure of an image
6 The commission hopes to have 110,000 offerings on its computer by the end of the year , including stately homes , factories , warehouses and high rise flats .
7 Endorsed on its jacket by the unlikely pairing of crime supremo Elmore Leonard and literary diva Joyce Carol Oates .
8 In a communiqué they said that difficulties still remained , over differing perceptions of the future state structure , but they undertook to adopt a treaty on its principles by the end of November .
9 Apparently the offer from the department to submit itself to cross-examination came about because of a gaff in communications between the department and counsel instructed on its behalf by the Treasury Solicitor .
10 It has 554 registered members and firms , which are monitored on its behalf by the ACCA .
11 Her whole world felt as though it had just been rocked on its axis by the announcement , so that for long silent seconds she could only stare at him with pain in her eyes .
12 The small white car was found on its side by the bridge .
13 The Archdeacon 's wife motioned to Theodora from her reclining position on her sofa by the window .
14 No one who saw the 1986 Gold Cup and knew of Dawn Run 's subsequent fate could look with unmixed emotions on her statue by the Cheltenham parade ring , where she left a permanent mark on racing history .
15 Miss Armstrong said that when she had visited Wolsingham Comprehensive School , one of the first users of the Echo on CD-Rom , she had been kept on her toes by the fact that the pupils were well-informed about things she had said and done .
16 The girl walked towards the car and it pulled away quickly , leaving her standing with her hands on her hips by the side of the road .
17 The rule that normally barred women from the ceremony had been waived after representations on her behalf by the governor , and in response Flavia Sherman had chosen her most sober clothes for the occasion .
18 ‘ Yes , sir , Document B , and I should here direct your attention to Document B1 which is a report of an interview with the girl 's mother submitted on her behalf by the latest Visitor to have taken over the case .
19 Alexandra fell on her knees by the bed .
20 Despite an increase of 8.5% in the public subsidy for national museums in 1991–92 , most are still struggling to come to terms with the squeeze imposed on their budgets by the Treasury over the past few years .
21 Pouring across the Pennines from Lancashire to be joined by eager exalted crowds from Bradford , Halifax , Barnoldswick , Huddersfield , Frizingley , some of them carrying sticks and flails and home-made pikes , most of them empty-handed and full-hearted , singing their Chartist hymns of freedom and justice and brotherhood and stopping every mill they passed on their way by the simple process of removing the plug from the boiler , letting off the mill-dam , and drawing the workers into their ranks with the irresistible attraction of a ragged , hundred-handed Pied Piper .
22 And if he could put up with humourless Hugh for three weeks in the sun , the family , who could n't have many jokes to look forward to , would be glad of a running commentary on their holiday by the well-known author of ‘ Jottings ’ .
23 and also they , they get the masses on their side by the media !
24 The Jacobites were protected on their right by the River Shiel and on their left by a cliff .
25 The collectors have now agreed a bequest that leaves the Icklingham bronzes in their will to the British Museum as part of an out-of-court settlement , dependent on their acceptance by the museum 's trustees .
26 Nowadays the Army and the RAF identify the food items and the quality standards they require for their menus ( they work to a three or four week menu cycle to give them flexibility ) , and their requirements are then purchased on their behalf by the NAAFI purchasing organisation .
27 Earlier in the year fittingly , during Passover , the festival which celebrates the Israelites ' escape from Egypt and the beginning of the journey which eventually took them to the Promised Land — Rabbi Moishe announced with quiet satisfaction that their contributions had mounted up to a sum sufficient to buy three hundred dunams of land in Palestine , that the purchase was in the process of being arranged on their behalf by the Jewish National Fund , and that he himself would lead an advance party of settlers from Cork before the end of 1920 .
28 They suggest that these people are indeed highly mobile , largely as a result of the decisions made on their behalf by the large companies and bureaucracies for which they work .
29 He thought that headhunters were kept on their toes by the generally-held view — expressed frequently both inside and outside the headhunting industry — that a consultant is only as good as his or her last assignment .
30 They remained long enough to give their name to the region of Italy where they settled , and to create the marcher duchy of Friuli as a buffer zone against attacks on their kingdom by the occupiers of the Sava-Danube lowlands — the Slavs and their overlords , the Avars .
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