Example sentences of "on [num] [noun sg] of the " in BNC.

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1 The housekeeper brought in the coffee in an ornate silver tray which she deposited on one level of the Scandinavian wall-system .
2 But any charm the scenery may have had was lost on one member of the crew : James McKeatling was taken sick in the far-from-healthy climate , and was left on shore .
3 Traditionally they are also paths of psychic activity , of apparitions , spirits of the dead or fairies , particularly on one day of the year .
4 The work was less skilled than it had been formerly since no women made up a whole garment , but rather worked on one fragment of the process , for instance sewing up side-seams all day , every day .
5 To his surprise a huge cake was wheeled out depicting the 1976 Olympic champion playing golf on one half of the cake and skiing on the other .
6 Set your protractor on one half of the circle , and mark every 20° round that part of the circumference .
7 Place the meat on one half of the pastry and run a lattice cutter over the other half to within 5mm/¼in of the pastry edges .
8 The room looked like the dining room ; a sideboard with some bottles and a bowl of fruit on it was visible , and Penelope was now able to see that the remains of a kind of meal — a loaf of bread , a hunk of orange-coloured cheese and two glasses — were set out on one half of the table .
9 Carve two rows of four small rectangular holes on one half of the cake ( the paintbox base ) , evenly spaced apart .
10 The de Rosier team argue that this need not be true if an active site on one part of the molecule can affect other sites on the complex in such a way as to facilitate movement of intermediates between sites .
11 Adult cancers focus on one part of the body : the lungs or the colon , for example .
12 For example , we would expect to find cells that give an excitatory response to long wavelength light shone on one part of the retina and an inhibitory response to long wavelength light shone on to an adjacent part .
13 He spoke without notes , and his ability to relate economic changes on one part of the world to political rivalries in another left Carter and his staff greatly impressed .
14 While faith-healing tends to work on one part of the body , Reiki treats the whole system . ’
15 MONEY to improve Darlington 's council housing has been concentrated on one part of the town at the expense of other areas , Liberal Democrats claimed .
16 And erm the effect though of holding beach material on one part of the beach is of course that it starves the area which is along the Sussex Channel coast to the east of beach material that it would formerly have received .
17 And on one wall of the kitchen are the large brass letters , JBW , S1 .
18 The performance of Richard Meredith-Hardy 's Chaser S , for example , was impressive , covering 300 miles on one filling of the 23-litre tank and 1,800 miles and five days without missing a beat .
19 Okay , and you 've done , you 've done that on one bit of the fraction , so you must do it on the top as well .
20 But this Anne Mowbray would stop at nothing — she would chance all to be alone with him she loved best in the world ; on one throw of the dice …
21 This was Ursula of the long blonde hair and double-barrelled baronial-barbaric surname ( withheld by Behrens ) , who had fled what survived of ancestral estates — on one view of the matter — and had made her courageous way across Europe , shot at and winged by border guards , to Vienna , and on to London , where she fell among art historians and was counselled by Anthony Blunt .
22 If A had an honest doubt whether there was a contract at all between B and C it has been held that this would provide a good defence but if the doubt is whether A 's rights or C's under two inconsistent agreements should prevail and A chooses to adopt a course which on one view of the law will undoubtedly interfere with C 's rights , it has been said that he must at least show that he was advised and honestly believed that he was entitled to take that course .
23 On one line of the song the group seem to be singing what sounds like : ‘ E's are good . ’
24 Your mind can only focus attention on one area of the swing until it becomes muscle memory and works naturally .
25 Well it 's hard to know where to stop , really erm I mean the , the difficulty of concentrating on one area of the country , is that we 're of course I think there must be very great differences in different areas of the country .
26 Although the Court refused to answer the Article 7 question , given its response to the argument based on Article 3 , common lawyers will be pleased to see the Court 's comment on one aspect of the Article 7 argument .
27 Instead , human actions cause electrical impulses to be sent to an electronic governor on one end of the engine .
28 To add a bit of spice to the proceedings a sketchy transition had been tacked on one end of the ramp and that was the main focus of attention , especially in the grown-ups group .
29 Then she was dumped on one end of the table and given a dab of butter to taste , and , soon , a lump of dough to squeeze , roll into little grey spindles on the floury table-top .
30 A motorcycle jacket and a vivid red helmet lay on one end of the small dining table .
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