Example sentences of "on [art] [noun] [v-ing] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Well I got home , I got everything all sorted out , Gary even left a message on the answerphone saying that he 'd be home round about half past two and that
2 The Westport Parish Committee issued a leaflet on the issue claiming that Des Burke had ‘ admitted that they had no plan for the way in which the rehabilitation of the mine site ’ would be funded .
3 He concentrated on the women finishing and seemed to forget that the men 's race finished elsewhere .
4 Such employees are designated ‘ business users ’ and assigned a special code on the system indicating that they are out on business .
5 It means the cameras can focus on the lectern knowing that the speaker will always be placed in exactly the same position relevant to it .
6 Foxy was saying how they were all standing on the balcony saying that she really ought n't to wear those shorts cos she 's got such thunder thighs .
7 For instance the project will assess children 's understanding of the following situation : at a pedestrian crossing I can rely on the motorist stopping if I know that he has seen me , but I can not rely on it if I know that he has not seen me .
8 Securicor have joined the cowboys on the contract guarding and really I mean you must be getting sick of us getting up every time about security guards , but it 's an important problem and you must know that a lot of you must work at places where you 've got guards on the gate and we all should take a bit of interest in going to see these guards , find out that they 're working for two pound or two pound forty an hour , they 're working as many hours a week as they 'll actually work with no overtime rate , no night rate , no benefits worth having and I mean really I wish you 'd go to your companies and try and arrange site allowances , cos that 's the only way we 'll get any improvements , but when we talk about resolving grievances , we just took in Yorkshire region someone to a tribunal for constructive dismissal .
9 But even as she said this , as Lewis , rather dramatically , told her , the Standard was on the streets announcing that police were treating the case as murder .
10 Finally she had collapsed on the floor sobbing and at that point realized that she needed help .
11 And a one , two , three , four , five , six , seven , eight , ’ and with that he danced around the room , his shoes tapping rhythmically on the floor springing and twirling around and , as he tapped and stamped , he yelled out , ‘ Shuffle hop , Cramp roll , Buffalo . ’
12 And we just lay on the floor laughing because it was just getting from bad to worse .
13 And then the official on the airport saying that you could n't carry out your Beatrix Potter books or your dolls ?
14 It dwelt on the problems arising when Irish suspects , caught in police trawls , turned out to be only Republican sympathisers rather than terrorists .
15 All Eva remembers is lying on the sofa wondering if she was going to die , and saying , " Well , Lord , if this is the end of my life I 'll just have to say how thankful I am , and what a wonderful privilege its been , but if it 's your will for me to live then I just give myself to you all the more .
16 The fool , a wise commentator , remarks on the instance showing that Lear can expect no gratitude from his daughters .
17 This is not to say , however , that prevention is impossible , simply that preventive programmes need to concentrate not only on the removal or modification of isolated stresses , but also on the factors surrounding and responsible for such stresses , for these may be of equal or even greater importance in the development of later psychiatric disorders .
18 otherwise , the camera should normally remain on the Member speaking until that Member has finished ; during Questions the director should show only the Member asking a Question and the Minister replying ; cut-away shots to show reactions would not normally be allowed , except shots of a member referred to by the Member speaking , and medium-angle shots are permitted to show both the Member who has the floor and another Member seeking to intervene ;
19 Barron 's National Business and Financial Weekly , on of the financial district 's most respected and oldest papers , in its Dec 27th issue did a major article on the subject claiming that the plane was sabotaged by either Gravier or by people whom he had swindled .
20 ‘ I 'd be on the beach sunbathing and he 'd be sitting there in a suit , collar and tie and black shoes .
21 If someone pulls you out the river when you 're half drowning , you just lie on the bank coughing and spluttering , and no one expects you to say anything .
22 Maggie awoken from dreams of flying , from dreams of women with long hair building houses of hair , sits on the lavatory calculating whether she can afford a new pair of tights this week .
23 The scenes-of-crime van was parked as near the site as it could get , planks had been laid on the ground approaching and under the scaffolding to preserve whatever evidence there might be , and the area where the body was had been screened off .
24 Even in cases in which a declaration is sought , such as the Schroeder case , the burden of proof appears to be on the party arguing that the restraint was reasonable .
25 But Jim , the chap who lives next door to them came over the other night to collect a pound from me as my contribution to the er , sign on the lamppost saying that this is a watch neighbourhood watch area , now it 's
26 Several of them thereupon left their carriages and placed their heads on the rails vowing that , rather than allow another train to pass by they would sacrifice their lives .
27 When people came to the doors they stood on the step talking and looking over at our side of the street .
28 Unless the offer is recommended and a shut-out ( see para 8.2 below ) is possible ( so that the offeror knows in advance that its offer will be successful ) , the offeror will normally wish to make the rights issue conditional on the offer becoming or being declared wholly unconditional .
29 In the end it was Rachel who was forced to give in and she swam to the side of the pool , climbed up the steps , and sat on the side watching as David completed several more laps .
30 Under the 1985 Pressler Amendment to the Foreign Assistance Act , US aid to Pakistan was dependent on the President certifying that Pakistan did not possess a " nuclear explosive device " .
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