Example sentences of "on [noun] do [not/n't] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Saves on hankies do n't it !
2 She comes out well on tape does n't she ?
3 That bloke did n't come on Saturday , he come on Friday did n't he ?
4 Jane uses the car then on Friday did n't she when she 's been hairdressers ?
5 Well they tried them on motorbikes did n't they ?
6 she generally goes on Wednesdays do n't she .
7 Oh you want a light on Alan do n't you ?
8 I got mine on Monday did n't I ?
9 He got sent off on Sunday did n't he ?
10 Gon na put them on top do n't it ?
11 Yeah , cos it looked a bit heavy I thought , on top did n't it ?
12 yeah , you know I was gon na go to judo on Wednesday do n't I ?
13 It 's , I , I mean these , these , the work with , with the original action network seems to , seems to come and go , you 've got a very large amount at one point and then nothing for sometime , it just depends er , I think which country they 're targeting and how much there is , because we had quite a lot on Malawi did n't we during the early part on last year not much on South Africa recently , as if they do n't quite know what to do , you know with the situation there it 's not quite er clarified .
14 Oh he did on Thursday did n't he ?
15 I told you he spewed up on Sandra did n't I ?
16 Well they say always start on A do n't they ?
17 I suppose he does it on purpose do n't he ?
18 Yeah well always mucks around on Fridays do n't they ?
19 so , so so , yes , so they will , so the kingdom of heaven of the heavens it mentions well , thy kingdom come on earth does n't it on
20 Why on earth did n't they go in and possess the land ?
21 ‘ Why on earth did n't you tell me ? ’
22 Why on earth did n't you tell us ? …
23 ‘ Then why on earth did n't you say so at the time ? ’
24 ‘ Why on earth did n't you tell me ? ’ he demanded harshly , going over to the bed and staring at Faye almost menacingly , his strong back curved tautly over her .
25 ‘ Oh , Merrill , why on earth did n't you get all this off your chest earlier ? ’
26 ‘ Then why on earth did n't you tell me as soon as you saw me ? ’
27 Now , I do agree with that , that if you phone up and somebody phones you and they just talk to you and then for about five minutes later , the person at the other end of the phone says , ‘ I 'm in a meeting ’ , and you just thought ‘ Well , why on earth did n't you say that in the first place ? ’ , so there is another side to that one .
28 Why on earth did n't he marry her instead of rushing into marriage with a dairymaid ? ’
29 Why on earth did n't I just tell Luke everything and get the hell out ?
30 So I said , why on earth do n't you take it round the front , you see ?
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