Example sentences of "on [noun] [conj] i [be] " in BNC.

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1 We have received so many wonderful letters on Tailwaggers but I 'm afraid we have n't room to print them all here .
2 I 'm not eating half as much as I did on camp and I 'm starving . ’
3 I remember being rather keen on Bert when I was about fifteen .
4 I 'm sorry about being in a mood on Saturday but I was n't really in a mood with you .
5 no if I 'm going to the pub on Saturday and I 'm going to the Galleria on
6 I 've got ta hand it in on Friday so I 'm getting a bit desperate .
7 and Thursday , you should be on Friday but I 'm gon na do instead .
8 ‘ Although he did something to his knee on the Monday after the Chelsea match with us , he met up with England on Friday and I 'm told , trained Saturday , Sunday , Monday , and Tuesday .
9 tonight and then I 'm on me raffle next week , but after next , I mean I can stop in the next , I mean I was , I 've never been out since a week on Tuesday cos I was n't on the raffle Friday
10 He 'd say , ‘ Well , I 'm in a meeting on Tuesday and I 'm on MTV on Thursday . ’
11 ‘ I 'm sure I 'm there just to concentrate on coaching and I 'm sure that 's the first thing I need to look at ’ , Jenkins also said .
12 So I have now decided to put the theory out of my mind and rely on rhythm when I am putting . ’
13 Anyway , he left what should have been my share to Matthew on condition that I was able to lease it back at a nominal rental .
14 And he and I had oops er had earlier talked about people , no that 's fine , that 's fine I like the crust , erm parking on verges and I was decrying it .
15 I have n't actually seen Charley since his return , as he called on Hamish while I was at work , but at lunchtime today I conveyed your presents for Christopher and Lydie to Jenners Rose Street restaurant and placed them in Inga 's hands ( a handy reminder to me of their birthdays , too ) .
16 I was hoping that Steinmark would be back on Monday but I 'm afraid that you will have to carry on the best you can .
17 One evening he was abroad on business and I was alone at home , reading .
18 I chained Wavebreaker 's bicycle to an ornamental fence outside McIllvanney 's apartment block , and persuaded the uniformed ape on security that I was not a terrorist .
19 Leeds are still reeling from last week 's four-goal home mauling by Nottingham Forest and club captain Gordon Strachan said : ‘ I 've watched it on video and I 'm still a bit confused about what happened .
20 I went into dyslexia because when I did that course we had the opportunity to do a special study of a subject of our own choice and I spent a lot of time on dyslexia because I was already interested in it before I started .
21 Your Pat said to me on Sunday while I was talking to her , she said , when she was saying oh well she does n't know whether to vote Tory because
22 Kay did this bit on Sunday and I 'm not too sure about it , yeah .
23 The Reds were well on top and I am sure that if I had lasted the game I would have given the selectors something to think about .
24 They asked me first of all why I paint on paper and I 'm using older to paint on .
25 I started it basically on my own initiative and I said that for six months I would use it on people that I was going to sentence just to maintain a one judge control over the project and see how it was going .
26 In Australia , with the grounds being so large , there are plenty of twos on offer and I 'm not really a big hitter .
27 For the first year I had a room on campus but I was n't happy there so I returned to Cliff Top , where my mother put one of the caravans at my disposal .
28 But when I turned up at the hospital they put me on call and I was called to Casualty to anaesthetise a man .
29 As a result , I have never been less tempted to support an Opposition motion , although I assure my hon. Friend who is the Whip on duty that I am never tempted in that direction .
30 I 'm working on Thursday so I 'm
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