Example sentences of "on [noun] [noun] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Following a tender competition , the offer from Fairclough Building Ltd. was chosen , but the cost had now risen to almost £1.3 million , partly because of the imposition of VAT on building operations in the 1984 budget .
2 Plan of a typical court in Nottingham ( taken from the Report of the Royal Commission on the State of the Large Towns , 1845 ) showing the intense pressure on building land as a result of the failure to enclose the surrounding open fields .
3 These men are working on building sites around the Island .
4 The programme represented a departure from previous campaigns in that it concentrated on building belief in the ability to make decisions for oneself , and it used social cognitive theory techniques to ‘ inoculate ’ children against chronic self-doubt or learned helplessness .
5 No figures are available from the Agriculture Departments on the land areas gripped each year — the data is incorporated in the total field drainage figures and can not be separated — but several schemes in the Pennines and the Welsh uplands have caused significant damage on blanket bogs in the past .
6 I 'll tell you where I had terrific service once , I ca n't remember what it was for now , it 's it 's a shop , it 's called Arcade Records because originally it was in the arcade , but it 's now just above the Cannon Cinema in between you know on Chapel Bar on the left hand side .
7 We have already seen this effect in the section on contract markets in the previous chapter .
8 Serious cinema 's attempts to portray sexual passion have generally succeeded best according to the extent they have ignored this temptation : think of Brando , obese , with straggling grey hair and face plastered with pan-stick , howling obscenities as he floors Maria Schneider ; or Dennis Hopper , jumping on Isabella Rossellini like a mad dog with velvet , scissors , and mask .
9 The point is that manufacturing really began on greenfield sites without the benefit of central planning .
10 In addition to that , it might interest you to know that er in excess of a further one hundred and sixty hectares of land is in our U D deposit version , U D P proposed to be released on greenfield sites on the edge of the built up areas .
11 We would wish to stress again , with the district council 's support I suspect , that that overshoot really it 's to sites within the urban area , as in windfall sites in general planning terms we have seen to be acceptable er in planning terms , but we would wish to stress that part part of that approach has been a continuing resistance to development on greenfield sites on the edge of the the urban area .
12 Instead of looking for more acquisitions , he is focusing on greenfield development in the bathroom and houseware sectors .
13 It could very easily be that the accidents of product development and distribution have led to an almost exclusive focus on skin care as the function of cotton wool .
14 Hundreds of people descended on Wallasey beach in the bright evening sunshine to see a dozen teams vie for honours in a novelty sand-building competition .
15 Wages did not rise in proportion , and by the Spring of 1795 there was the extensive distress and threat of mass starvation which led , in May , to the infamous meeting of the magistrates at Speenhamland in Berkshire , an event which would have such an impact on poor-law provision for the next few decades .
16 I , I , something floated in front of my eyes that she was thinking of applying on part time for the complaint examiner , but she did n't .
17 Anne Marie worried her mother and police after she disappeared on Easter Monday after an argument .
18 Apparently they were thriving on hydrogen sulphide from the rotting beams of the ship .
19 THE son of a Tory party worker is being held on drug charges at a filthy Bangkok jail .
20 In Los Angeles , discussions centred not merely on drug usage as a topical exploitation subject for movies but also on the widespread and varied substances which were readily available , being increasingly used and largely blamed for the incredible recent upsurge in violence within the protest movement .
21 President Alan Garcia will take the opportunity to host a mini-summit on drug policy with the leaders of the other two big cocaine-producing countries , Virgilio Barco of Colombia and Jaime Paz Zamora of Bolivia .
22 It is currently in beta test and is scheduled for general release on HP-UX systems in the first quarter of 1993 , CA says .
23 In addition , NeXT 's Portable Distributed Objects system for distributing applications across a network will enable NeXTStep objects to be deployed on HP-UX servers from the end of the year ; the company 's NetInfo network management software will interoperate with Hewlett-Packard 's OpenView system management tools and will also be available on HP-UX servers from the fourth quarter of this year .
24 In addition , NeXT 's Portable Distributed Objects system for distributing applications across a network will enable NeXTStep objects to be deployed on HP-UX servers from the end of the year ; the company 's NetInfo network management software will interoperate with Hewlett-Packard 's OpenView system management tools and will also be available on HP-UX servers from the fourth quarter of this year .
25 In addition , Next 's Portable Distributed Objects system for distributing applications across a network will allow NextStep objects to be deployed on HP-UX servers from the end of the year ; the company 's NetInfo network management software will be integrated with HP 's OpenView system management tools and will also be available on HP-UX servers from the fourth quarter of this year .
26 In addition , Next 's Portable Distributed Objects system for distributing applications across a network will allow NextStep objects to be deployed on HP-UX servers from the end of the year ; the company 's NetInfo network management software will be integrated with HP 's OpenView system management tools and will also be available on HP-UX servers from the fourth quarter of this year .
27 Bowie was a cautious man and his two previous reports on leukaemia incidence in the county had not been tinged with any anti-nuclear sentiment .
28 In 1855 Alexander had appointed his friend General V. I. Nazimov ( the reactionary who had clamped down on Moscow University in the last years of Nicholas I ) to the Governor-Generalship of the three provinces at issue .
29 A FRENCHMAN injured in a climbing accident on Ben Nevis at the weekend died in a Glasgow hospital yesterday , bringing to 15 the number of people killed on Scottish mountains since the beginning of the year .
30 So it hardly matters that Connery lives mostly in Marbella , that his residence for tax purposes , used to be on Paradise Island in the Bahamas and is now an apartment in Monte Carlo , although he still has the place in the Bahamas .
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