Example sentences of "be quite [adj] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 That would be quite unacceptable to good potential MPs who do not think much of popularity ( their own or other people 's ) and would not demean themselves by deliberately setting out to acquire it .
2 A standard paragraph may not always reflect the tone required to deal with a particular enquiry ; it may not be quite appropriate to particular circumstances and it may not feel right to the recipient .
3 This means you can be quite certain about total success , relative success and failure and , therefore , be in a better position to learn from experience .
4 But , oddly , snow can be quite comforting on long , steep slopes , especially if the slope widens at the base and does n't culminate in a 100-foot drop over cliffs .
5 Compound words may be quite useful for various parts of grammatical analysis but are not of much use in phonology .
6 The result is only representative on those variables selected for the quota , and may be quite unrepresentative on other factors .
7 For on the one hand the Athenian type of behaviour might seem to be quite incompatible with local state obligations in law and electorally to majority , articulated , social interests .
8 These concepts are endemic to geography , but they may be quite foreign to other workers .
9 It should not be assumed from these statements that they do not move at all-they can be quite active at high tide by night but that they remain within the same general area of shore .
10 I suppose English food must be quite different to Vietnamese food .
11 Traditional attitudes about the value of autonomy and independence and notions of personal responsibility and duty may , however , be quite different in other cultural groups .
12 This evidence and adjustment can be quite free of affective associations .
13 Local councillors can be quite obstructive to new ventures by farmers .
14 Ye No I yes I I f would have thought it could be quite obstructive in certain circumstances .
15 No-one is quite sure of the origin of the PHANTOM , who is female and thought to be quite overweight with flabby arms and many double-chins .
16 The worker , we concluded , is caught in that he wants to make some investment in work , even though the ends sought may be quite diverse by different workers , and , at the same time , is always caught in a situation where he has to experience feelings of resentment .
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