Example sentences of "be seen in [det] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 In the Sailor 's Arms the surfwear brands can be seen in all corners : Quicksilver , Hot Tuna , Mambo and , most worryingly , Fat Willys .
2 This is what does the damage — not religion — for it can be seen in all walks of life wherever people are emotionally involved .
3 This small characin can be seen in all dealers ' tanks , their fluorescence guaranteed to catch the eye of fishkeepers .
4 The unconscious system is timeless , as may be seen in many dreams in which time is confused and mixed , sometimes going slowly , at other times quickly , and totally different time periods are found to follow one another .
5 The Expert stated that the proof of the argument was to be seen in many photos of Arabians .
6 This is the latest craze to hit the fairgrounds and it can even be seen in some discos .
7 It could be seen in some cases as , maybe escapism , we do n't give enough thought to the wife and kids who 've got dad er , er , in in court .
8 These coffins , England 's response in lead to the Egyptian mummy case , became fashionable in the fifteenth century and were still to be seen in some areas in the last decade of the seventeenth century , though they were beginning to decline in popularity during the 1660s and 1670s .
9 No complications of perforation or aspiration could be seen in both groups .
10 One reviewer of the Salon des Indépendants of 1912 writes : ‘ Now that the Cubists have grown into a school their works occupy several rooms and are to be seen in several exhibitions ’ , and another : ‘ the Cubists are to be found in force ’ .
11 This change can be seen in several ways .
12 Through suggesting that God should be seen in these ways , for example that those biblical verses which give feminine attributes to God should be drawn upon , one does nothing to change the conception of what are authentic roles for women .
13 Clive and Rose Greenacre 's initial commitment could be seen in these terms , Rose in effect saying , ‘ Keep me safe , let me cling ’ , Clive continuing to allow her to do so despite his irritation .
14 As a group , women have historically been preoccupied with appearance- … ( which ) is capitalised upon by the fashion and beauty manufacturers , whose methods can be seen in any women 's magazine …
15 Stuffed specimens are , however , to be seen in most collections where its form and plumage may be studied … ’
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