Example sentences of "be more [conj] [adv] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 British companies were , generally speaking , increasing in size through mergers and consolidation , so the stakes were that much higher and they could not afford to get things wrong ; they needed new management teams to run taken-over businesses ; industrial plants were growing in scale ; finance was becoming more complex ; business was tending to be more and more international ; American operations were penetrating many European markets ; and Britain was facing a host of unprecedented economic pressures and new competition with the post-war recovery of Germany and Japan .
2 The demand that , as a science progresses , its theories should become more and more falsifiable , and consequently have more and more content and be more and more informative , rules out modifications in theories that are designed merely to protect a theory from a threatening falsification .
3 We can only assure you that , as the years go by , you 'll be more and more delighted you took it up .
4 I did n't approve of what he was doing , but if I refused his money I would be more and more visible , so I took it , and when he had gone off in relief back towards the dining car I gave it to the barman .
5 The master and the pupil had moved apart intellectually — Hoskyns willing to be more and more obscure in his wrestlings with truth , Ramsey struggling for clarity of thinking .
6 I think they 've built They 've opened London offices , many of them , if those offices grow so they acquire the sort of breadth and depth of experience in the relevant areas that the big firms have got and at the moment er they may not have , then of course they 'll be more and more competitive .
7 However , the response of governments is likely to be more and more dogmatic , and be driven by considerations of ‘ security ’ ; there will be little willingness by those in power to defer to differing views even when these are held by a majority .
8 As time went by , she seemed to be more and more different .
9 There seemed to be more and more everyday .
10 So it seems that this is a further reason for Althusser to allow that the process of constitution may be more or less successful .
11 He might perhaps attribute the incompleteness of his account to the fact that he is a ‘ bourgeois ’ subject , who can only glimpse an alternative view ofthe individual ; but this defence is still a problem , for even a glimpse suggests that the ISAs of the capitalist totality may be more or less effective , and this variation will have to be explained .
12 The decisions are put into effect by administrators , who may be more or less effective in their execution .
13 Bottoms may be more or less sensuous to those whose old preoccupations centred on anal functions .
14 Some estimates suggest that CFCs direct contribution to the greenhouse effect might be more or less offset by their indirect effect of countering it by depleting ozone .
15 No , no , I know what you mean , and on the whole yes , you 're right ; your modern fairy-tale — I do n't just mean what 's miscalled ‘ science fiction ’ , but all the stories that feed the modern hunger for the supernatural — they do tend to be more or less moral now .
16 These all offer particular costs and benefits and will be more or less suitable to particular patterns of complexity .
17 It was also the stage at which the Twelve addressed the critical questions of structure and procedure for the future development of Europe : whether the Community and Europe as a whole wish its design to be more or less monolithic , whether it wants to be more or less supranational , whether it wants to have more or less qualified majority voting and more or less jurisdiction for the European Court of Justice .
18 By other forms of reproduction an image may be more or less degraded , so that nothing can be learnt from them .
19 Some central components can be more or less standard , worldwide , notably the engine , for some tastes are universal .
20 Heterosexuality can be more or less narcissistic , it can be very disturbed or not so .
21 For any individual there will be an immense number of possible descriptions which will be more or less appropriate in different contexts .
22 ( a ) Grounds ( Clause 19.01 ) All or any of the following may be expected to be encountered , though in any given agreement the grounds may be more or less specific as the requirements of particular firms differ .
23 Before that , all ‘ gases ’ were considered to be more or less pure samples of air .
24 It might be more or less efficient or more or less fair to assign liability to one party or the other , and this is why it is important that the legislature or the courts , whichever first have occasion to set the rule , make the right substantive decision .
25 They can be more or less stress-ful .
26 A syllabus may be more or less fixed or negotiable ; apparently rigid courses can in fact be quite flexible in detail .
27 The rubber sheet could be more or less flat and of a certain definite size — it has a boundary or edge to it .
28 One group of sites could be seen to be more or less contemporary because they produced the same types of tool , while those which produced other types could be shown to be earlier or later in date .
29 Some form of analysis ( which may be more or less explicit ) is necessarily a part of the interpretation of texts , of understanding how a poet or novelist achieves his or her effects , and consequently must figure in the production of accurate writing .
30 It was , indeed , the dominant concept of the age , though there was a rather fundamental division between those who thought that progress would be more or less continuous and linear , and those ( like Marx ) who knew that it must and would be discontinuous and contradictory .
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