Example sentences of "be a [noun sg] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 There may be a hiatus in family or property matters or pressures that have been rumbling underground may come forcefully to the surface .
2 The speaking decision of a surveyor acting as an expert was pronounced to be a nullity in Apus Properties Ltd v Douglas Henry Farrow Ltd [ 1989 ] NPC 38 .
3 Like this he could be a sack of rubbish .
4 There would presumably be a driveway of sorts leading from the back of the house to the road and my easiest way home .
5 There was a further link with editors , not such a happy one , for false reports and rumours were constantly appearing , and what seemed to be a campaign of vilification of the police .
6 This was seen to be a reference to Iran 's standing position calling for the death of Salman Rushdie for the anti-Islamic " blasphemies " contained in his novel , The Satanic Verses .
7 This may well be a reference to Psalm 22:18 .
8 This would now be a reference to s 55 of the 1990 Act .
9 Whether the Ephesian disciples were Christians or not before Paul 's arrival — and the development of the story suggests that he finds they were not — Paul 's initial question still assumes that it is possible to be a believer in Jesus without receiving fully the Holy Spirit .
10 If we were to seek an explanation in the fact that Gandhi , as we have seen , does not equate ahi sā with non-killing and notes the distinction between ahi sā and hi sā by indicating that hi sā means killing from motives of anger or selfishness and ahi sā means refraining from so doing , then it might be possible to be a believer in ahi sā and yet kill , provided the killing is not prompted by angry or selfish motives and is performed with detachment as one 's duty .
11 A book in the museum library is just labelled Register and on opening is found to be a register of books lent , almost all of them books for children .
12 But this development of local state institutions can be a hostage to fortune .
13 A court might refuse to treat as a disability any condition unlisted , while a failure to exemplify indicative impairments could be a hostage to fortune as courts will tend to construe the protected class narrowly .
14 Can I suggest that the again the employment needs of Greater York could be a hostage to fortune .
15 The later thiazides have comparable activities , and have come to be a mainstay of therapy in mild hypertension , and important contributors in more severe conditions .
16 If there should be a call to briefing and Rob was n't there …
17 With the car , this will be a benefit in kind for you .
18 From the standpoint of advocates of social responsibility , therefore , it should be a function of company law to facilitate the reception and proper weighting of third party interests in corporate decision making , even though this may require the adoption of policies which are not privately profit maximising .
19 For both these reasons , therefore , one would expect the transactions demand to be a function of money incomes .
20 g ) access to forecasting skills and methods : the quality and accuracy of the forecasting process will in part be a function of skills and methods available .
21 Moreover , family size may be a function of capital or income .
22 If the restriction on the kernel function to be a function of t — is removed then material ageing is allowable as Lockett ( 1973 ) points out .
23 A speed.dependent switching angle can , of course , be introduced into this system by arranging for the required final current level to be a function of motor speed .
24 His special theory of relativity predicted that mass should be a function of velocity and that mass and energy could be transformed into one another , and his general theory predicted that light rays should be bent by strong gravitational fields .
25 Purchases by customers are assumed to be a function of advertising and promotional expenditure , salesforce effort and commission , and retailer sales effort .
26 There will also be a bias in favour of SMEs when Government research funding is allocated .
27 Hence there may be a bias in recognition towards either the right or left cerebral hemisphere respectively .
28 But , generally speaking , you 're expected to be a self-starter at college .
29 PROUD TO BE A BRUMMIE by Carl Chinn
30 So far as it is known , Noble has been the only born-deaf person ever to be a Freemason in Britain .
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