Example sentences of "be [adj -er] and [adv] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Discussing the implementation of partnership in validation , the Sociological Studies Board , for example , heard concern about the ‘ apparent lack of sympathy which may exist in institutions ’ internal monitoring and validation procedures to academic developments in sociology , in that the views expressed may be harsher and more inhibiting than those expressed by the Board' .
2 Would they be tidier and more accessible hung on pegboards ?
3 Not only will the fish be happier , more colourful and likely to breed , but it will be healthier and less disease-prone if kept in its natural state .
4 Summers drops hints about murder , or suicide , but the truth may be simpler and more terrible : Hoover was not a breath more than his job .
5 Such a hybrid theory will almost certainly be simpler and more principled than a single amorphous and heterogeneous theory of semantics .
6 However , nothing can be crueller and more oppressive than one without love .
7 But you will find that , for such a person , recovery will be speedier and more complete .
8 Mrs Thatcher told her fellow summiteers that , in the end , it might be quicker and more secure if they worked with market forces in moving towards monetary union .
9 With an asset sale , the purchaser 's due diligence exercise should be quicker and therefore cheaper and it will probably be safer .
10 If they could be spaced out a bit , then it would probably be easier and less likely to be trouble .
11 The protests will be bigger and louder this time . ’
12 Other firms may be bigger and more prestigious , but their clients are terrified of Pannone .
13 First , local authorities should be bigger and more uniform in size .
14 So I think , like Ellen Willis , that ‘ it would be clearer and more logical simply to acknowledge that some sexual images are offensive and some are not . ’
15 Microsoft replies that the Windows of tomorrow will be smarter and more flexible , with little but its friendly on-screen appearance in common with today 's versions .
16 The phrase ‘ rehabilitation ’ denotes no more than the practice of helping individuals to function as well as they can in all areas of their daily life or , more simply , to be happier and more fulfilled people .
17 In a gesture worthy of King Canute they went further : ‘ It may become necessary to consider whether the community as a whole would not be happier and more stable if it abolished divorce altogether , ’ they wrote .
18 They even help the horse to be happier and more sensible .
19 Both assume that local intervention should be deeper and more fundamental than merely ‘ servicing capital ’ , and both also accept that it is necessary to change the structure of declining local economies if regeneration is to come about .
20 By the 1920s and 1930s , not to mention the years after the Second World War , the women formed an ageing group of unmarried women and widows , once more having little in common with the men at work , who by now would be younger and probably married .
21 Since ocean-floor basalt subsides as it cools while migrating away from the spreading axis , a faster-spreading ridge will be hotter and more buoyant over a larger area and hence will cause more displacement of sea water over the continents .
22 The Place ( 387 0031 ) Laurie Booth Terminus Terminux to Sat ; Compagnie Cre-Ange Noir Salle should be livelier and less self-indulgent than Emile Dubois ' much-hyped and absurdly over-long opening to Dance Umbrella ‘ 89 17-18 Oct .
23 Call hardly distinguishable , but tends to be shriller and less loud .
24 STRIVING to be better and more distinctive is not confined to the workplace for Francisco Fabrö Riera .
25 Indeed its user interface is judged by some to be better and more logical than AutoCAD 's .
26 Peter Clarke , in his Monday column ( 15 March ) , raises some ideas worthy of debate in proposing that new rural villages would be better and more popular than improving urban areas .
27 Fighting for a place in the Leeds United line-up must be better and more important than fighting for a place in Norway 's World Cup squad .
28 And if the worst does not arise — anything else must be better and therefore easier to handle !
29 For the same reason , the sun appears to be whiter and less orange-coloured as the observer 's altitude increases ; this is because a greater proportion of the sunlight comes directly to the observer 's eye .
30 They may also be older and more experienced , and arrive on the breeding grounds earlier in the spring .
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