Example sentences of "be [vb pp] on to [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The conditions of the fifties meant that it was natural " for praise to be heaped on to democratic politics since it seemed to be doing the job very nicely .
2 But there has been an additional image barrier : the CAB as a generalist advice agency was often labelled a ‘ signposting ’ service whereby clients will simply be referred on to other organisations .
3 Work on women can not simply be added on to existing , flawed bodies of thought but requires a revolution in the ways in which we think about men as well as women , about work as well as the family , about political and public as well as private issues .
4 Siddhis are the powers which can be added on to basic TM such as levitation , extra-sensory perception , telepathy , telekinesis , spiritual healing and control of mind over body .
5 The data and data structures that have been identified can be mapped on to conventional computer files or clerical files and not necessarily databases .
6 For example , you could create the design for a simple piece of embroidery using small sprays of pressed flowers , or make an initial design from pressed flowers that could be transferred on to squared paper and used to embroider a handkerchief Both of these ideas would make marvellous presents , and you could perhaps place the finished embroidery in a tissue-lined box that has been decorated with pressed flowers or ribbons .
7 The individual piece-parts can be drawn on to separate layers of a working drawing in order that their movement can be visualized from any number of positions and orientations .
8 Within T IS , too , the work which was done to bring Caterdata and the Psion together can now be sold on to other Caterdata customers , and a section explaining how Psion works has been added to the Caterdata manual .
9 Everything stored in the memory of a computer can be copied on to removable diskettes .
10 Lustre powder is included as an optional ingredient in some of the cake recipes in this book — a non-toxic shiny coloured powder , this can be brushed on to dry icing to give a lovely shimmering effect .
11 If this applies to circumstantial difficulties ( it can be quite surprising to observe the ways in which sexual problems can be displaced on to financial problems , for instance , or those of child control ) it applies doubly to relationship problems .
12 Sexual discord and dissatisfaction may be displaced on to other aspects of family existence , by both partners .
13 Eventually it became apparent that every vine in every vineyard would have to be grafted on to phylloxera-resistant American rootstock .
14 Virtually all vines , not just in Champagne but across the world , have to be grafted on to American rootstocks ( below ) to avoid phylloxera .
15 Psychoanalysts have talked , for example , about the process of ‘ projection ’ , in which aspects of oneself of which one is fearful may be projected on to other people .
16 Alternatively or in addition he may be co-opted on to other public bodies , such as hospital authorities , water authorities , etc .
17 Only the Maronites felt able to drink from the cup of French tutelage and even they quickly found that the chalice contained a special , colonial poison , the effects of which would be passed on to future generations ; for by adding such large areas of Muslim Syria to the new ‘ Lebanon ’ , the French ensured that the Christians ' precarious status as the largest religious community would — once the Muslim birthrate increased — be lost .
18 In Britain , gene transplants like Carly 's have been limited by the ethics committee to operations which produce changes that will not be passed on to future generations — effectively allowing only treatments little different in ethical terms from ordinary organ transplants .
19 If so , any school or group of schools in consultation with the College and the leader of the in-service team may decide to depart from a particular syllabus or portions of it and develop in its place new material which after being tried out and improved upon may be passed on to other schools and colleges for use on a wider scale with the approval of the Ministry .
20 Unisys will add its own management applications to the framework , including critical resource management and software distribution modules , which will be passed on to other Tivoli users , such as Pyramid and Tendem , through Unix System Labs ( UX No 409 ) .
21 Over four years , Ukraine would receive 75,000 million cubic metres of gas and 50,000,000-70,000,000 tons of oil , some of which would be passed on to other European countries .
22 In addition , there are other ways in which property can be passed on to specific people without a will .
23 But while Stalin lived , Lysenko derived great power by espousing the politically seductive claim that characteristics acquired by one generation — in seeds and men — could be passed on to succeeding generations .
24 This arrangement is particularly suited to a society where wealth is concentrated in the ownership of land , because it ensures that an undivided estate can be passed on to succeeding generations in the family .
25 THE EC would almost certainly respond to any US tariff rise with duty increases of its own , the cost of which could be passed on to British consumers .
26 They could also be taken on to rough pasture , to distant resources , or even kept in woodland ( their natural habitat ) , though milkers would not be taken too far from the settlement .
27 Animals arrive with forged documentation which claims that they have been bred in captivity , and which therefore entitles them to be taken on to other western destinations .
28 With new forms of planning restriction limiting the amount of suburban extension that could be tacked on to existing built-up areas , housing developers increasingly looked to the surrounding rings of smaller settlements lying within commuting distance of city centres .
29 TQM often seemed like " just another initiative " to be tacked on to countless others .
30 People from European Community countries can be recruited on to British TC schemes but as yet the EC offers no equivalent .
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