Example sentences of "be [vb pp] for [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Whilst the agreements typically laid down a period of discussion between management and union representatives prior to the introduction of change , there were weaknesses in the terms dealing with provision of information , and early union involvement in decision making , which would have to be altered for effective union influence on the process of change .
2 ‘ Basis of accounting : The timing of recognition , that is , when the effects of transactions or events should be recognized for financial reporting purposes .
3 As set out below , more detailed valuations will be undertaken for actual targets at subsequent stages in the deal process .
4 Restorations should not be undertaken for aesthetic reasons alone , but only for carefully controlled maintenance , because of the inherent possibilities of damage in any restoration .
5 So , while herbs undoubtedly have marvellous potential for curing illness , home cures should only be undertaken for minor ailments .
6 ( A similar way of finding the best power for transformation will be explained for median polishing in chapter 15 . )
7 Other sales which were planned but would be delayed for various reasons were those of Coalcorp , the former state coal mining operation ; Landcorp , which administered government buildings and land ; and Electricorp , which operated the power stations and the national grid .
8 It follows that , except in a case where either the common law or statute allows instant dismissal ( e.g. , for gross misconduct ) , a lecturer can only be dismissed for good cause after being given three months ' notice ( though the lecturer can terminate the agreement on three months ' notice without any reason being assigned ) .
9 First , that it detects the affected or at-risk groups , and second that these can then be referred for suitable treatment .
10 When a disabled person applied for housing they would generally be referred for medical assessment .
11 Patient 301 was the first person in this family to be referred for genetic counselling .
12 HRP can only be given for complete tax years ( 6 April to 5 April ) , so if you simply gave up work for a few weeks in order to help out , you would be unlikely to qualify .
13 There are always two sets of reasons that can be given for psychical events , one that is phrased in terms of the culture 's Weltanschuung , and the other which the psychoanalytic observer can bring in terms of the unconscious feelings underlying the system .
14 These findings suggest that low doses of cyclosporin can be given for prolonged periods to patients with ulcerative colitis with minimal nephrotoxicity .
15 Credit will only be given for technical articles and credit for this type of reading is unlikely to account for more than 25% of total unstructured CPE .
16 Credit will be given for appropriate style , format and communicative effect .
17 Diazepam may be given for unresponsive panic attacks .
18 As in the use of any chart of this type , parents must not remove stickers once they have been earned and no black marks should be given for wet beds .
19 It is important to check whether the dead person left any instructions with the Will about the funeral , or wished the body to be given for medical research ( see Section 7 ) , or organs to be donated for transplantation ( see Section 8 ) .
20 Proper procedures should indicate that warnings will be given for minor offences .
21 Like any rules , spelling rules can be broken for particular effect , as in the poet Ezra Pound 's dismissive spelling of " culture " as " kulchur " , or the hostile spelling of " America " as " Amerika " .
22 Such models not only allow various emission control programmes to be examined for existing pollution sources , but also can assess the likely impact of new pollution sources .
23 These should be examined for early features , such as architectural fragments incorporated into them , and an assessment made of their original date , any changes through time , and former uses .
24 This would , or course , only be justified for serious disease , but if more benign targetting techniques could be devised , it might be possible to use the liver as a target tissue for any interaction with serum metabolites , such as cholesterol .
25 The Aral Sea has been shrinking since the 1960s , when water from its tributaries began to be diverted for agricultural irrigation in what were then the Soviet republics of Uzbekistan , Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan .
26 As demonstrated , a percentage per annum return can be calculated for comparative purposes with other types of financial investment .
27 From these data a relative risk of 8.04 ( 1.18 , 4.90 ; 95% confidence interval ) can be calculated for colorectal cancer as a result of anthranoid laxative abuse .
28 ‘ We will not examine all of them but we will take random samples and check to see if anyone who has registered for gross interest also has a file at one of our tax offices — which they should not normally have as only non-taxpayers should be registered for gross interest .
29 The crisis had wider effects , and the old techniques of social control had to be revised for rural England .
30 Age specific mortality was used throughout the study taking into account increasing age , but in Asians unlike Europeans this could not be adjusted for changing mortality rates from year to year as these data were unavailable .
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