Example sentences of "be [vb pp] to [adj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 If a reductive programme of this kind is possible , we may be tempted to provide a rational reconstruction of our knowledge which shows how the credibility of derived claims can be traced to that of the foundation .
2 Plans for materials etc involve stock control and purchasing , which will be referred to later in the chapter .
3 But we are concerned with a fundamentally different matter , the possible ways in which some entity ( or property ) , already accepted mentally , might be identified by a speaker , either for the purposes of his own thought or for communicating some idea to an audience ; in the latter case , there is no reason at all to object to the suggestion that the same item might be referred to either by ( 7 ) , or by ( 4 ) or ( 5 ) .
4 An obvious example is the weight to be given to each of the central initiatives and the most appropriate form of implementation .
5 He had also arranged for a small box of hand-made chocolates to be given to each of them upon departure .
6 In order to avoid disputes , the sale agreement should specify the priority to be given to each of these rules .
7 It shows that no simple answer can be given to any of these questions , and that the questions , though reasonable , are themselves over-simplified .
8 Priority will be given to those with sisters at the school .
9 Priority will be given to those with sisters at the school .
10 Priority will be given to those with health problems from disability or old age .
11 In Scale 1 chapter nine Hilton says that the fullness of contemplative experience can be given to those in active life , though he adds the rider that they will not be able to make such full use of it as those living more sheltered lives as solitaries or in a contemplative order .
12 ( 8 ) The text of the tender advertisement must be cleared with the Quotations Department if the offer is made on the London Stock Exchange but otherwise with the Panel and copies of the final text must be given to both at the same time as they are given to the newspapers .
13 I applaud and support the efforts by Bill Bates , food safety consultant at Control UK , in his attempts to get an arbitration board set up , but have reservations about the priority likely to be given to this by food minister , David Maclean .
14 It should be noted that Optimus say the tank should only be filled to two-thirds of capacity — a little over a tenth of a litre .
15 First , the simplification cuts the number of reservation wages to be calculated to two for individuals who are still unemployed after time T and to only one for the others .
16 Unshielded , an astronaut could be exposed to hundreds of rads during a solar flare .
17 You 'll be treated to four of the hottest plays in London : CATS SINGIN' IN THE RAIN THE MOUSETRAP NO SEX PLEASE WE 'RE BRITISH ! — British Caledonian ad in Texas paper
18 An undergraduate met by chance on the campus walkway might be treated to one of his brilliant , spontaneous tutorials , the kind normally only dreamt about , while a group of colleagues over whose meeting he was to preside gazed at an empty chair .
19 Elements of each drawing can be assigned to one of 256 available levels , each of which can be displayed separately if required .
20 The consequence is that neither of the two bands observed for the difluoride should be assigned to either of the expected group modes , the GeF 2 antisymmetric stretch and the GeH 2 rock ; both are due to whole-molecule modes ; with contributions from both group modes .
21 With regard to pay , the benefit to management of de-skilling so that the elements of a job are fragmented into their constituent elements is that those elemental jobs can be assigned to those with skills , and hence pay rates , to match them .
22 The decision making process can be likened to one of those great lumbering steam locomotives seen in Western films .
23 The eyes of all vertebrates follow a similar design , which can be likened to that of a modern camera .
24 In this respect the role of an auditor may be likened to that of a watchdog rather than a bloodhound .
25 Last year , 30,000 of the porpoises were taken , despite the International Whaling Commission 's insistence that the total catch should be limited to one-third of that number .
26 to avoid any possible misunderstanding about the nature of the work performed and the degree of responsibility that the firm is taking for the information contained in the report , it is preferable for the report distribution to be limited to those with a clear appreciation of the purpose and nature of the engagement .
27 We therefore agree that the use of diagnostic dilatation and curettage in young women should be limited to those in whom important disease is suspected and that the procedure is necessary it should be accompanied by hysteroscopy .
28 Another industry chief reiterating his position at Geneva was Fiat SpA chairman Gianni Agnelli , who said that Japanese penetration would be limited to 15 to 18 per cent for a transitional period , and after that all restrictions should be dropped .
29 The brain regions responsible for storing the memory could be located to one of the major lobes into which the octopus brain was divided .
30 The Information will be used by you solely for the purpose of evaluating the possible purchase by you of the Company and , unless and until you have completed such a transaction , the Information will be kept confidential by you and will not be disclosed , in whole or in part to any other person , except that the Information or portions thereof may be disclosed to those of your directors , officers , employees , agents , auditors , lawyers , bankers and professional advisers ( collectively ‘ Representatives ’ ) who need to know such information for the purpose of evaluating the prospective acquisition ( it being understood that those Representatives will be informed of the confidential nature of the Information and shall agree to be bound by this Agreement and , if requested by ourselves , will enter into a direct agreement with us on the same terms as this Agreement ) .
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