Example sentences of "be [vb pp] be [adv] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 What needs to be explained is why Tory Anglicans , who had so strongly defended James 's right to the succession during his brother 's final years , and who have normally been seen as the Crown 's allies in an attempt to establish royal absolutism in the early 1680s , should have turned so quickly against the King .
2 For someone who takes his belief that p to be justified is surely close to taking it that his belief tracks the truth of p .
3 It has even been suggested that some coral reefs , which it will be recalled are mostly dead coral and debris , are being destroyed rather than built up : they could be relics of higher sea levels .
4 Their important characteristic is that they cut across the divisions of the formal structure and usually are very powerful if the matters to be communicated are formally confidential or affect the future of particular individuals .
5 The choice of where clients with ulcerated limbs should be treated is extremely important .
6 The need for some kind of frame of reference for thinking about the curriculum , and asking what is and should be taught is most obvious in the schools .
7 Curiously enough , provided the mystery to be solved is not feeble and provided you can manage to write about its solution vividly , the fact that your reader already knows the murderer 's identity will matter very little .
8 Recognising significant aspects of the replies and matters needing to be addressed was relatively easy but the staff were distinctly apprehensive .
9 In Aotearoa the concept that land could be possessed was entirely foreign to Maori thinking .
10 Short of drastic action , to split up a major firm ( as in the AT&T case in the US ( Alcoa , United Shoe , AT&T , and IBM ) or to order divestment ( as in Supply of Beer , 1989 ) , the remedies that can be applied are invariably weak .
11 It also follows that in looking at whether to call in , Ministers do not consider the planning merits of the proposal , but only whether the kind of issues that need to be decided are more appropriate for consideration in a wider than local context by the Secretary of State .
12 The few creatures to be seen were drowsily unwilling to be disturbed .
13 But where we find the law is deliberately being ignored or flouted , inspectors will be prepared to take firm enforcement action , particularly if serious risks to health and safety are evident or where what needs to be done is not new , i.e. where existing duties have simply been replaced by new legislation . ’
14 If the tasks to be done are more complex , and surrounded by a higher degree of uncertainty , then co-ordination may be done more efficiently through instructions and information passed down the managerial hierarchy .
15 Ensure that any answer you give is an elegant work of art ; the subject matter of the question will be related to your own studies , but the way in which it should be answered is more related to chess .
16 ( c ) The law is , therefore , that persons who obtain goods by presenting a cheque which they know will be dishonoured are not guilty of theft .
17 Blanket embargoes such as the ‘ red-lining ’ of areas in which loans will not be advanced are probably rare in rural districts , but restrictions are sometimes placed on older cob , stone and thatched buildings so that many cheaper properties may not be mortgageable .
18 It is also desirable to establish that the owners of the business to be sold are not likely to have irreconcilable differences among themselves over what the selling price should be .
19 Determining what precisely is to be bought is also negotiable .
20 The issue of how story can be preserved is also central to the fiction of John Barth in whose career one event looms large : his discovery of the Arabian Nights and other cycles of tales from antiquity .
21 Then the range of speeds that can be measured is very wide ; fractional Doppler shifts as small as 10 -15 can be measured and thus speeds down to less than — far lower than those normally encountered in fluid dynamics — though not all systems are capable of this .
22 The Control of Pollution Act 1974 provides that where any damage is caused by poisonous , noxious or polluting waste which has been deposited on land , any person who deposited it or caused or knowingly permitted it to be deposited is civilly liable for the damage , provided that his act constituted an offence under section 3(3) or section 18(2) of the Act .
23 Such approaches have been applied to cursive words of English ( Frishkopf and Harmon 1961 ; Harmon , 1962b ; Earnest , 1962 ; Farag , 1979 ; Brown and Ganapathy , 1980 ) , but to achieve any degree of accuracy the vocabulary which can be recognised is very small .
24 The grounds upon which the powers to impose conditions may be exercised are very similar to those which are available in relation to processions ; section 14 provides that if the senior police officer believes that a public assembly may result in serious public disorder , serious damage to property or serious disruption to the life of the community , or that the purposes of the persons organising it is to intimidate others with a view to compelling them not to do an act they have a right to do , or to do an act they have a right not to do , he may impose conditions as to the place of the assembly , its maximum duration or the maximum number of persons who may constitute it as may appear to him necessary to prevent the disorder , damage , disruption or intimidation .
25 The idea that the interests of the buyers should be protected is also mysterious .
26 Edward I may well have had similar goals for England , Aquitaine and Ponthieu ( a clearer definition of feudal obligations , a shortening of the links in the tenurial chain and a more precise knowledge of the military service owed to him ) but the means by which those ends might be attained were very different .
27 It seems , then , that the list of linguistic features to be counted is indefinitely large , if we want a quantitative description of a text to have a fine enough mesh to catch the linguistic details which contribute to readers " feeling for differences of style .
28 The contract with Group 4 , the security company that is to run the Wolds , requires that the régime to be provided is infinitely superior to anything that the local prisons run by the Prison Department currently deliver .
29 The legal framework within which services for elderly people must be provided is less extensive than that for child care .
30 But to automatically assume that this is the woman 's role when other choices are available or when the task can be shared is n't fair and is certainly a point of discussion .
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