Example sentences of "be [vb pp] [adv prt] to be " in BNC.

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1 Each side panel can also be gathered in to be used as a doorway .
2 Nancy could always be relied on to be there in an emergency .
3 But of course it is only reassuring if the person can be relied on to be there whenever the need arises — and you can be sure that that is bound to be during the last class hour on the longest teaching day of the week .
4 And that 's left us in some er , difficulties frankly , because one of the things that er , the C E C was recommending , that work of a strategic nature , which at the moment is undertaken by industrial conferences should be moved over to be dealt with by section conferences and that meant that a number of industrial conferences need not meet any longer , so we would avoid the duplication , the overlap and the waste .
5 Kirk then stated that he could not concur in the order and that Robertson expressed his disappointment , but stated that he could not " bother at this time who might or might not be handed over to be shot " and would send his telegram anyway .
6 And that is why we 're asking for officers to form a report on whether or not a small building maintenance team should be set up to be able to carry out that work .
7 And it is itself always also paradoxical , for it discloses what can not be scaled down to be contained , proved , measured , demonstrated or explained within the framework of finite human reasoning .
8 Again then , knowing these people somewhat , I feel they would follow the apparent winner and South Korea would be gobbled up to be added to the rest of Red Asia .
9 The Marsham Street development has been adjudged too brutal for the London landscape and will be knocked down to be replaced by a single six-storey scheme .
10 ‘ Mummy wants some shoes to be taken in to be stitched , and I can call in at Jessica Turvey 's .
11 Conventional male-oriented values are buried in the very foundations of sociology and have to be dug up to be seen ( but not believed ) .
12 It is suggested that defective receipts should not be accepted , but should be sent back to be corrected .
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