Example sentences of "be [adv] [vb pp] that [art] " in BNC.

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1 It will be widely assumed that the cabinet fears it would be unable to control a judicial inquiry .
2 Yet while it may not be possible , in a given case , to come to a clear decision one way or the other , it can not , I shall argue , be coherently assumed that a decision is logically impossible and at the same time insisted that the object in question exists in an ontological sense .
3 The statute occasionally provides in so many terms that the information may be used in evidence ; sometimes that it may not be used for certain purposes , inferentially permitting its use for others ; or it may be expressly prescribed that the evidence is not to be admitted ; or again , the statute may be silent .
4 However , for optimum performance the size of control intervals and control areas should be so arranged that a sequence set record will be stored on the same cylinder as the control area it indexes .
5 The dance has to be so arranged that the mistake must appear accidental .
6 The following year , on the recommendation of the Royal Commission on Income Tax ( 1920 ) , the child allowance was increased to £30 and the income limit removed altogether on the grounds that ‘ in all ranges of income some regard should be had to the taxpayers marital and family responsibilities ’ … and that ‘ rates of tax should be so adjusted that the taxation to be borne by each class should be redistributed among the individual taxpayers in that class with due recognition of family obligations ’ ( Section VIII ) .
7 I would agree with that , Chairman , but I think that it should be so considered that the building 's been built first .
8 It can not be sensibly suggested that an estate agent is contractually bound to disclose to any one of his principals information which is confidential to another of his principals .
9 If a government exercises some ‘ power without right , ’ it seems to be necessarily implied that the people have a corresponding right to resist .
10 it will be henceforth assumed that the typical unit of lexicology is the word ( this statement is so obvious as to have an air of tautology ) .
11 After some initial hesitation it now seems to be generally accepted that the value should be assessed at the date of the conversion ( though it should be noted that in other contexts the courts show some resistance to any universal rule that damages are to be assessed at the date of the wrong ) .
12 The time has come when the fact ought to be generally admitted that the amount of government … which is necessary to the welfare or even to the existence of a civilised community , can not permanently co-exist with the effective belief that deference to public opinion is in all cases the sole or the necessary basis of a democracy .
13 Nevertheless , it must be also stated that the ratios are probably still underestimates because identity codes did not include date of birth and , thus , the double counting procedure may have eliminated persons who should have been included .
14 Given that the origins of semantics are diffuse ( logic , philosophy , linguistics , etc. ) it may be also observed that the boundaries of the subject are equally amorphous .
15 It can be confidently stated that every experience and activity in the primary school uses language but also serves to develop it .
16 However , it can be confidently predicted that no organisational change will lessen the need for improved interprofessional and interpersonal interactions in the provision of formal care .
17 The House of Lords has stated that Liversidge need no longer haunt the law , and it can be confidently predicted that the more natural objective meaning will henceforth be ascribed to such words .
18 Thus , it can be clearly seen that the approaching gravitational wave in region II is an impulsive wave if , has an unbounded wavefront if , has a step wavefront if , has a continuous wavefront if , and has a smooth wavefront if .
19 It can also be clearly demonstrated that the ‘ best ’ curricula as designed by centres in Ghana , Nigeria or Kenya are within the competence of the ‘ best ’ schools , teachers and children .
20 The Fimbra guidance note , which was first published in July , warns advisers that : ‘ It should be clearly demonstrated that the beneficiaries ’ rights in the ( company ) scheme are fully taken into account , ’ and that anyone contemplating a transfer must be advised that there are four options open to them , including remaining in the scheme as a deferred member .
21 It seems to me therefore , without laying down the proposition that the Moray Firth is for every purpose within the territorial sovereignty , it can at least be clearly said that the appellant can not make out his proposition that it is inconceivable that the British legislature should attempt for fishery regulation to legislate against all and sundry in such a place .
22 This close liaison with the NID was obviously liable to be misunderstood within the ranks of the BDDA so that is not surprising to find the BDDA 's annual report for 1925 explaining that : The executive committee wish it to be clearly understood that the NID is not antagonistic but rather complementary to our own Association .
23 Side-drum parts are usually written in the treble clef on the note C , as above , but it must be clearly understood that the side-drum never gives a note of definite pitch .
24 If , however , one shifts the perspective , it can be convincingly argued that a ‘ democratic monarchy ’ with , at its head , an Emperor directly responsible to the people had need of a different set of values from those prevailing at St Petersburg or Vienna .
25 Keynesians-at least that branch of the family which continues to read the General Theory — will also be profoundly disturbed that the concept of full employment has become the object of unwelcome normative inroads .
26 The Wolfenden Committee , in distinguishing between public and private behaviour , also drew a distinction between ‘ crime ’ and ‘ sin ’ , and concluded that ‘ as a general proposition it will be universally accepted that the law is not concerned with private morals or ethical sanctions ’ , and further , ‘ it is not the duty of the law to concern itself with immorality as such … it should confine itself to those activities which offend against public order and decency and expose the ordinary citizen to what is offensive or injurious ’ .
27 It can be safely assumed that the overwhelming majority of Mambo Leo and Mwangaza readers were pro-TANU , in view of the size of the electoral victories in 1958 , when that party was supported by sixty-seven per cent of an electorate in which Asians and Europeans were disproportionately highly represented .
28 It can not be truly said that the breach goes to the root of the contract if the program has all the other usual features normally found in powerful word processing systems .
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