Example sentences of "be [adj] [to-vb] so [conj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ . When the signatories said that he or she would be prepared to enter into a deed to formalise the situation , they were not postponing the legal effect of the document or reserving a final view but merely saying that they would be willing to do so if required , ie record in a more formal way the transactions which had already been made .
2 In addition , companies would not be required to join trade associations but would be free to do so if they wished ; members would be bonded to the management of the fund for a prescribed percentage of turnover on non-ATOL packages ; and they would also be able to bond at lower levels than those bonded to other bodies .
3 Whilst , then , as the committee 's report states , ‘ it would not be the duty of counsel to cross-examine the defence witnesses or address the jury if he was of the view that it would not be proper to convict , ’ he would be free to do so if the prosecution view changed , perhaps after hearing the defendant 's evidence .
4 Thus , although section 49 states that the seller can sue for the price in certain circumstances ( see Chapter 12 ) , he will nevertheless not be able to do so unless he is also ready and willing to deliver the goods .
5 You will only be able to do so if you keep them raised .
6 They agreed to extract oil quickly , but argued they would not be able to do so if hindered by trifling safety regulations that applied to on-shore industries .
7 Whereas Hitler might hesitate before invading a fellow-member of the Anti-Comintern Pact , he would be unlikely to do so if liberalism returned to Spain , aided and abetted by his enemies .
8 ( 2 ) The London Stock Exchange may , at the request of the Panel , withdraw temporarily the facilities of the market from an offender ( for instance , a bidder which wishes to issue its own listed shares as consideration for the bid will be unable to do so if the London Stock Exchange refuses to admit them to listing ) .
9 Subject to that , an expert is not prohibited from following these litigation-style procedures , but he would be unwise to do so because the reference may subsequently be held to have been an arbitration and will in any event take longer and be more costly .
10 Although one suspects that the extreme rural and intermediate rural areas would be reduced in area if the same exercise were repeated for the 1981 census ( unfortunately it has n't and anyway would be difficult to do so since local authority boundaries have changed since 1971 ) , the analysis did allow Cloke ( 1978 ) to compare degrees of rurality between 1961 and 1971 , and to produce a three-fold typology of rural areas that were becoming increasingly non-rural , were static or becoming increasingly rural , and to produce maps of these three types for each of the four rural areas shown in Figure 5.5 .
11 The shipowners knew there was a commodity market at the destination and that prices would be liable to fluctuate so that any delay could lead to a diminution of the value of the cargo .
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