Example sentences of "be [v-ing] [prep] [adj] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I thought to myself , ‘ Jimmy Dickinson does n't go abroad and certainly not to the States , so if I make a good job of it at Walton Heath I might be caddying for Sandy full-time in the future . ’
2 In the current financial climate , which sees us wrestling with colleges managing their own budgets and , in our own authority , reeling from the outcome of poll-capping , the expenses involved in improving physical access are likely to be competing with numerous other worthy but expensive causes .
3 But what , I think we do need to have is quite a a a a a we 've not a no solution body who would agree with me , er you know , some of the things that have gone on within the er er agricultural industry in terms of gang masters , which is if if surely if if if we had been more clearly defined if would enforce probably the whole industry into disrepute , and I feel that we do need a a a a a a a framework , with a with a supply into Europe , because in the end we will not just be competing against other European countries we will be competing against the third world and some producers that are producing very different situations , so , I I think er , and and I 'm concerned that it is the , it is that delegation , and it is the interpretation that our own government will put on it , because there 's been so much mythology surrounding Europe .
4 Indeed , many reckon that Bell will be pushing for senior inter-provincial honours this season .
5 If I was spending £500-ish on amplification , I 'd be looking for good second-hand gear , and there 's loads of that about .
6 You may be looking for light domestic help one or two hours per week , or 24-hour a day care .
7 well as a divisional sales and marketing director I had two particular jobs , one would be erm in developing if you want the alteration of sales and marketing and the other one would be looking at overall strategic in sales and marketing
8 Given the stupendous costs involved , should the city be looking to powerful private developers working with big firms of commercial architects to take the lead and replace like with like , albeit in a more acceptable architectural garb ?
9 About half of the travelling families were found to be living on official local authority sites with only 28 per cent living on derelict land .
10 Then , in open recognition of the novelty of the charge and the conviction , and the circumstance that Tan genuinely believed herself to be operating within current criminal law , the Court of Appeal suspended the custodial sentence for two years with , however , a stern warning that others offending in like manner would receive immediate and substantial custodial sentences .
11 They may be talking about membership of Ulster 's protestant secret societies , particularly the Orange order , the Royal Black Preceptory , and the Apprentice Boys ' Club ; or about religion — being saved , being a church member , or even a non-practising protestant ; or what appear to them to be key ethical issues such as drink , tobacco , and money ; or they may simply be describing in ordinary everyday language life in the family , on the farm , and in the village .
12 The characters in the bar seemed to be moving with slow jarring motions .
13 It said that the Emissary would soon be travelling to SenFed Central , and that en route he wished to communicate directly with me , face to face , on a matter of immense delicacy .
14 Go , for example , to a meeting of the European Space Agency and the place will be crawling with European technical journalists with only a few desultory Brits , as often as not from the show-biz pages .
15 But those who stay only for short periods of weeks or months are much more likely to be suffering from serious mental disorder than long term residents .
16 absconders — absent from an address where they should be residing under various legal provisions ( foster/children 's home , hospital )
17 Because if we ca n't generalize then I , perhaps I should be talking about British foreign policy or Iranian foreign policy or South African foreign policy are there generalizations we can make and say well it is similar for all governments ?
18 The government seemed to be presiding over massive industrial contraction ; Mrs Thatcher at this time was the most unpopular Prime Minister since Neville Chamberlain in 1939 .
19 During beta testing , Bristol will be working with small independent software vendors willing to hand their source code over to Bristol so that it can properly babysit the whole operation .
20 ‘ This has all been carefully thought out and we will be replanting with slow growing species such as hawthorn and hazel , ’ Mr Knipe said .
21 Winter knew that three key departmental managers would be retiring between mid 1985 and 1987 .
22 No , I 'm just trying to work out how long I 'm gon na be practising for West Side Story tomorrow because you might have to take my money my pocket money tomorrow I might not be able to get like home , sort of cos er I I might be practising till bloody six o'clock for all I know so I 'll get some chips or something .
23 Given that they have ruled out of court the concept of demand deficient unemployment , the new classical writers have left themselves with no alternative explanation : if markets are clearing , they must be clearing at different measured unemployment rates .
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