Example sentences of "be [v-ing] [noun] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 During the following two days , a flint knapper will be crafting tools among the castle 's prehistoric displays , and on June 4 and 5 the museum 's Spitting Image-style puppet Bulbus Ludicrus , the Roman legionary , will again be in residence .
2 On 6 January 1991 , the inspector swore an affidavit indicating that he would be submitting papers to the Board with a view to issuing a notice .
3 When they had finished unloading , Therese said , ‘ My coco , I shall be helping Loulou for the next week or two , I do n't like leaving him much when he 's working on those big things .
4 You should aim to be using video in the classroom as easily as you use the audiocassette recorder or the Overhead Projector .
5 More than half the 100 exhibitors have indicated that they will be using Rooftec for the launch of new or updated products , and these will be short-listed for the Federation 's coveted ‘ Ken Soulsby Innovation Award . ’
6 Above all , we will try to address the significance of multimedia in a general sense and assess its likely impact on the way in which we may be using information in the final years of the century .
7 Fujitsu Ltd , an investor in V M Technologies , will be handling fabrication of the new device .
8 Instead of giving priority to private enterprise , as it has done until now , the government should be channelling funds to the Soprintendenze , so that they can act effectively , working together with the universities , the regions , the church authorities , and research institutes active in this field .
9 Sequent Computer Systems Inc figures it will be seeing $30m over the next eight years from selling its Symmetry 2000/750 and 450 machines to the US Department of Veteran Affairs as part of a multi-vendor team led by systems integrator Federal Data Corporation .
10 Thomas seemed to be seeing things through the wrong end of a telescope .
11 Where we are held to be contracting carriers for the purposes of air or sea carriage please note that our liability is limited in the manner provided by relevant international conventions , ‘ special contract ’ with Governments or UK statute law .
12 Tomorrow , cos dad 's erm Nigel 's gon na be phoning dad in the afternoon .
13 David Nicholas , Deal 's marketing director , says the company will be producing gears by the end of the year and plans to build up production to ½ million units a year within two years .
14 Y'kin bet yore bottom dollar I 'll be keepin' tabs on the sect 's new set-up from now on , ’ he commented grimly .
15 The conference centre is receiving its finishing touches and will be bringing income to the college in 1991 , and the adjoining area has been planted and landscaped with the help of the Superintendent of the Botanic Garden .
16 Meanwhile , three hundred budding stars of the future will be trading shots at the Gloucester Leisure Centre tomorrow and Sunday in the Cotswold Championships .
17 They appeared to be gaining ground on the continent of Europe with a terrifying self-confidence and a nightmare rapidity .
18 Five climbers will be tackling K2 in the Himalayas in June as part of the Karakoram 8000 project aimed at benefiting the mountain environment and the local people .
19 Last year he won the Irish Junior Triathlon Championship and he will be representing Ulster at the British Championships in Swindon next week .
20 The best will be representing Britain in the Paralympics in the Summer .
21 Its going to be trumpeting NeXTStep as the alternative to the Microsoft monopoly as though the NeXT hardware did n't exist .
22 TWO of TV 's Gladiators will be signing autographs in the Port Arcades , Ellesmere Port , on August 25 .
23 TWO ‘ Gladiators ’ will be signing autographs in the Port Arcades , Ellesmere Port , on August 25 .
24 In normal fashion we will be staging music in the Live Hall , and the weekend will see performances by some amazing artists .
25 Announces Homebase chairman and managing director , at the start of the magazine : ‘ Twice a year we will be publishing information on the latest products and ranges at Homebase , together with helpful hints and tips around your house and garden . ’
26 I am happy to say that my officials will be meeting representatives from the company tomorrow to see what ECGD can do to help in the present confused economic position in the Soviet Union .
27 Students from Wrensfield Adult Training Centre , Stockton , will be be serving lunch at the Georgian Theatre cafe today when food hygiene certificates are dished out to them .
28 North once offered Calero a bullet-proof vest — ‘ the same sort the President wears ’ — Only to find Calero shocked at the implication that he ought to be looking danger in the face .
29 In about an hour they 'd be forming lines in the lobby outside , but for now he had the buffet almost to himself .
30 THE flagship of the Midland Railway Trust headquarters at Butterley , near Ripley in Derbyshire , No. 6203 ‘ Princess Margaret Rose ’ , will be operating trains at the Centre during the weekend of June 27 and 28 .
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