Example sentences of "not [be] [vb pp] [prep] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Apart from the public launch , the campaign seems to have not been extended to seeking actual local authority support , although I may be wrong on this .
2 Barrie Lamb stated that the job would have been completed earlier had DRPS not been diverted into rescuing additional rolling stock such as their current working steam loco , a Peckett 0-4-0 ST which is undergoing extensive winter repairs .
3 Her men had not been called upon to go ; she knew no-one who was in the army , or who flew the Tornado jets .
4 In these matters Emilia Frere knew more than she , for the woman had crossed the threshold of the married state ; she had delivered herself over to the meeting of the flesh as Louisa had not been called upon to do ; she had experienced what the uninitiate could only surmise .
5 The deceased was over ninety ; so Lydia and Betty had not been called upon to express great regret or commiseration among the villagers .
6 Moreover , says Correa , high densities in Third World cities have not been achieved by building high-rise blocks , but by omitting play spaces , hospitals , schools and other parts of the social infrastructure .
7 With all due respect to my fellow countrymen , German prisoners of war have not been noted for escaping from England , not since the First World War . ’
8 The Left now completely rejected MacDonald 's concept of " gradualism " which had not been subjected to searching criticism until some three or four years before he left the party .
9 On the other hand , he could not remember a time when it had not been taken for granted the Hall would one day be his own .
10 It has not been proved by drilling .
11 A company that paid the telephone bills of 250 service engineers might easily face a sizeable demand for employer 's and employees ' NIC , especially if back years have not been dealt with according to the letter of the law .
12 Palace , FA Cup finalists in 1990 , currently lie second from bottom of the Premier League , and Coppell 's efforts have not been helped by sniping on the sidelines from his chairman Ron Noades .
13 The fact that goods have not been paid for does not prevent ownership in them passing to the purchaser unless , of course , they are subject to a properly communicated and valid retention clause .
14 She knows from home that many trains do not run because thousands of peasants have not been paid for hauling wood to the engine fuel-dumps for the whole of 1920–1 , and so have refused to carry on .
15 Selling goods that have not been paid for appears to need redress .
16 On the other hand , only 25 per cent of the Kosovo electorate turned out to vote , most of these being Serbs , following calls by ethnic Albanians for a total boycott , and Tanjug reported that in Kosovo some 400 polling stations had not been opened for voting by the local authorities .
17 It was useless to baptize people who had no understanding of the faith , or who had not been persuaded by teaching to espouse Christianity .
18 The new occupants of the off-licence , also Asian , have not been attacked since moving in three months ago .
19 Penwith and Kerrier hundreds were obviously poorer than the eastern parts of the shire ; a high proportion of men were taxed on wages who had not been thought worth mentioning in the earlier survey , many of them poor immigrants variously described as tinners or labourers .
20 Even if ‘ non market ’ legal topics , where no economic root is discernable , can not be analyzed by applying law and economics ( there being heated debate among distinguished scholars as to whether such analysis is ultimately valid ) , the interdisciplinary use of economics and law to analyze a legal problem with an economic foundation is a more soundly based proposition .
21 Once this process is underway they can not be dislodged by flushing the uterine horns .
22 Miss Tan could not be charged with running a brothel because she worked alone in her basement flat .
23 However , you would not be limited to advising on existing law .
24 Do not be limited by seeing only what is said .
25 In turn this can not be obtained through asking each part of the organisation for its views .
26 Care has to be taken with the adjacent values , which can not be obtained by reading off distances on the graph paper ; they must be obtained arithmetically .
27 In these circumstances the child would not be rewarded for completing the task .
28 The moral vacuum can not be filled by preaching , exhortation and moralisations .
29 An agent can not be prohibited from taking further instructions from the principal , and a principal can not be prevented from giving instructions to the agent .
30 Dr George Carey held out an olive branch to opponents by saying clergy opposed to women priests would not be barred from becoming bishops .
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