Example sentences of "not [prep] be [verb] as " in BNC.

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1 These are not to be understood as a simple cycle of something being externalized as object , recognized as such , and then embodied , but rather as a complex series of strategies which may include splitting and inversion .
2 ( 1890 , p. 214 ) The subject-object relation is not to be characterized as the subject 's attending to the content , or anything of the kind .
3 ‘ I agree therefore with all your Lordships that the practice of exacting an undertaking in damages from the Crown as a condition of the grant of an interlocutory injunction in this type of law enforcement action ought not to be applied as a matter of course , as it should be in actions between subject and subject , in relator actions , and in actions by the Crown to enforce or to protect its proprietary or contractual rights .
4 For copying to be proved , the test is as follows : a ) there must be a sufficient objective similarity between the two works ( an objective issue — that is , would the " reasonable man " consider the two works sufficiently similar ) , and b ) there must also be some causal connection between the two works ( a subjective question but not to be presumed as a matter of law merely upon proof of access ) .
5 It is not to be assumed as a matter or right . ’
6 Eventually , those waging their campaign against her found they were losing , and furthermore , they quickly realized they could n't afford not to be seen as a Katherine Lundy party .
7 Attitudinal justifications and criticisms are not to be seen as epiphenomena , tacked onto some more basic psychological predisposition , but are integral to attitudes qua attitudes .
8 Both sides were making hopeful noises about the hostages , although Britain 's insistence that whatever improvements in relations there might be , the hostages were not to be seen as a direct part of that process , seemed rather contradictory .
9 Grief and tears are not to be seen as special experiences , only to be used at great and solemn moments .
10 The medieval fabliaux in English belong in the first instance to the context of medieval England , and are not to be seen as foreign intruders disguised in the clothing of the Middle English language .
11 This conversion is not to be seen as a ‘ stop-gap ’ conversion for the SAAF .
12 If older people are not to be disadvantaged , and not to be treated as a separate class defined solely on the basis of age , it is vital that the debate about rationing care is a public one ; and that principles about equality and individual value are considered alongside economic imperatives .
13 It takes its cue from other kinds of liberation , and rests the call for Animal Liberation on the recognition of the rights of nonhuman animals , including in particular their right not to be treated as mere means to human ends .
14 I wanted Anna to be liked for Anna , and not to be treated as if she were different .
15 In his Letter to the Grand Duchess Christina ( 1615 ) , Galileo argued that the language of the Bible had been accommodated to the minds of the uneducated , with the consequence that texts that superficially implied a stationary earth and a moving sun were not to be treated as literal scientific descriptions .
16 In this case it seems not to be treated as a delaying tactic . ]
17 It is not to be treated as if it were a statutory definition .
18 It remains the law that a trade union is not , and is not to be treated as if it were , a body corporate , but a much wider measure of tort liability is now imposed by the Employment Act 1982 .
19 What we as a family were unanimous about was that he adopted no pose of being the distinguished writer , and even gave the impression that he much preferred not to be treated as such .
20 However , the firm and a qualifying intermediary can agree in writing that the intermediary 's client is not to be treated as an indirect customer ( and therefore not as a customer ) or is to be treated as an indirect customer in relation to only some of the firm 's obligations .
21 Similarly , the firm and a qualifying intermediary can agree in writing that only the intermediary is to be the customer ( in which case the client is not an indirect customer ) ; in practice , this agreement should be linked with the intermediary 's agreement that the intermediary 's client is not to be treated as an indirect customer .
22 The COB Rules make it clear that certain categories of client or counterparty are not to be treated as customers ; as a result , most COB rules will not apply .
23 The two special cases in s12(2) should also be noted , namely , a buyer is not to be treated as a consumer where he buys at auction and neither is he where the sale is by competitive tender .
24 Thus , fur skins are not to be regarded as agricultural products , since they do not appear in Annex II , and therefore normal competition rules apply ( see the Hudson 's Bay case study pp. 208 — 12 ) .
25 For God intended his word for ordinary people ; it is not to be regarded as the preserve of scholars ; the central truths of salvation are plain for all to see ; Scripture is ‘ useful for teaching the truth , rebuking error , correcting faults , and giving instruction for right living ’ ( 2 Tim .
26 New phases bring new dominant tendencies , but are not to be regarded as self-contained episodes .
27 He relies upon the well known concept that a professional man such as an accountant , self-employed and running his own business , is not to be regarded as the servant or employee of the man who makes use of his services .
28 The contrabass clarinet in B flat or E flat is a splendid instrument , but again is not to be regarded as an orchestral possibility for any but the most abnormally large orchestras .
29 The mass of the PFM is unknown and therefore the abundances are not to be regarded as the number of atoms per kilogramme of PFM , 20 Ne being arbitrarily placed at 10 22 atoms per kilogramme to facilitate comparison with the graphs for the planets .
30 They had asked for a greater number of " peacekeeping forces " to be sent , although Sahnoun on Aug. 12 was to emphasize that the proposed deployment was not to be regarded as a peacekeeping operation , but was to protect food distribution .
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