Example sentences of "not [adj] [adv] [prep] be " in BNC.

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1 It was impossible to transfer sound waves mechanically from one flat disc to another without getting into geometrical difficulties , and an ordinary gramophone was not loud enough to be put in front of an acoustic recording horn .
2 Stringfellow was an outstanding designer and builder of small lightweight steam engines , but his model aeroplanes suffered from the twin disadvantages of being too large to be fully tested indoors , and not stable enough to be tested out of doors .
3 They say the interim administration is failing because ‘ they are too poor , they are all school teachers , and they are not rich enough to be politicians ’ .
4 ( Nor , incidentally , are ‘ Fenland Blows ’ caused by the absence of hedgerows — another common belief ; conventional hedges are simply not tall enough to be effective , only shelter belts of poplars or other tall trees . )
5 And anyway , you 're not strong enough to be a docker . ’
6 The evidence in favour of dietary fibre as a preventative measure in heart disease is not strong enough to be conclusive at this stage , but is certainly strong enough to be thought-provoking .
7 But this had been followed by a sense of personal outrage , an emptiness and then a surge of melancholy , not strong enough to be called grief but keener than mere regret , which had surprised him by its intensity .
8 This is essentially what Mycetes is because he is not strong enough to be in power , not brave enough to lead armies and not powerful enough to command respect among his followers and country .
9 At Chalton in Hampshire and Cowdery 's Down near Basingstoke , the buildings were more regularly laid out but not extensive enough to be called villages , while at Catholme in Staffordshire and Thirlings in Northumberland , the earlier settlements had not only been abandoned , but probably forgotten when areas of ridge and furrow were laid out over the top .
10 He was not foolish enough to be taken in by such tales !
11 When 6′ 8″ tall Curtly Ambrose is bowling , sightscreens are often not high enough to be much help
12 He did not think that he judged wisely to accept , because he accepted another job only two years after he was appointed and then had to withdraw because he was found not old enough to be legal .
13 ‘ You are not old enough to be my father , ’ she said while tracing a pattern with her thumbnail into the knee of my trousers .
14 The reaction to George Carey 's speech suggests that many of today 's wealthy in Britain are not content merely with being wealthy .
15 The initial decision of the complainant was not without importance , for if , after hearing the evidence of witnesses , the justice of the peace decided that the case was not serious enough to be sent to a superior court , he could not then and there try it as a police court case .
16 Am I not cuddly enough to be called ? ’ — Irate woman delegate .
17 Satisfied but not human enough to be a sister , the woman held up a tiny version of the black box .
18 Constanze was clearly not ill enough to be incapable of a little mild flirtation !
19 They 're not ill enough to be staying in bed .
20 She was not quick enough to be out of the room before Mrs Eckley was in it and found herself trapped by her between chair and door .
21 Break 's conclusion was that the net effect of taxation rates ‘ be it disincentive or incentive , is not large enough to be of great economic or sociological significance ’ .
22 At the edge of dunes is a two-storey hide , open to the public , which gives wonderful views of the estuary and its birds — for those not lucky enough to be aboard a boat .
23 The pensioner , who needed sedation when she arrived at the Countess of Chester hospital , is still not well enough to be fully interviewed by police .
24 According to Sir Hector Laing , Chairman of United Biscuits : ‘ In a world where the large food companies are getting larger , backed by the cash resources of very rich large partners , it is not good enough to be a minnow : in order to compete internationally each company has to get bigger . ’
25 The splitting and penetration of the bone of the skull was slightly more advanced than shown earlier , but the difference is not great enough to be worth illustrating and is still equivalent to stage 1 weathering ( Behrensmeyer , 1978 ) .
26 ‘ She 's very possessive , and I 'm afraid Suzie 's not mature enough to be able to understand or cope with the situation . ’
27 Eight months before , his Rappresentazione di Anima e di Corpo had been staged and published in Rome — musically , it is arguable , a finer work than Peri 's but not dramatic enough to be considered an opera ; the allegorical personages were costumed , and there were dances , but the work was performed in the Oratorio della Vallicella and human interest and the sense of festivity , both indispensable to opera , were necessarily lacking .
28 If I 'm making a film of myself and I 'm on probation , at the end of the year I can pass or fail or have my probation extended because I 'm not successful enough to be called a qualified teacher , then I 'm opening myself up for people to come and look at my mistakes .
29 For most of its life , and certainly for its early years , it was either too outspoken to be a children 's show , but not high-brow enough to be considered as adult entertainment .
30 Alternatively , some of the larger North American Sunbass , such as Lepomis gibbosus , would make suitable companions , provided they are not small enough to be eaten .
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