Example sentences of "not [verb] [pron] [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 If it had reached the Morvan and had then turned round , but did not make it back to base , then a crash on land or sea is self-evident : if on land , only the agency — the weather , engine trouble , or enemy action — is in doubt .
2 I also wonder what will happen if I have a second child — Mark might not make it back from work in time to be with me . ’
3 DO NOT THROW ANYTHING OUT OF THE WINDOWS — I know a true story about this .
4 ‘ I am , ’ he said almost meekly , ‘ but I 'd just as soon not eat you out of home , when I 've brought nothing in .
5 Although they are somewhat late in entering the bids scenario , I believe we should not rule them out since having talked to my partner in Italy , he regards them very much as an niche buyer .
6 The Government 's present position is one of scepticism about the value of a ban on tobacco advertising , but Secretary of State William Waldegrave has said ‘ I do not rule it out for ever , certainly : but it is just not the highest priority at the moment …
7 " In the organization too there were exponents of continued cooperation ; although Younger worked to defeat coalition in 1922 he did not rule it out as a future possibility .
8 They had not expected him back before one o'clock .
9 Places of entertainment , like discos , would have to close at 3am and not let anyone in after 1:30am .
10 Will the artificial and shallow-minded of the world ever recognise the beauty of natural values and not shrug it off as sky-high idealism ?
11 They would not wait it out like this for long .
12 If county shops put fanzines in , then we spectators can decide whether or not to slog them out of the ground after a couple of deliveries .
13 She obviously had not noticed anything out of the ordinary , and Dorothy told herself not to be a fool imagining things .
14 A mother 's task is thus not to create something out of nothing but rather to dovetail her behaviour to that of the infant 's . [ … ]
15 This ensures that , if you suddenly pull the throttle stick hard back and drop the model onto the ground very hard , the blades will still be lifting and not pushing themselves down towards the tailboom .
16 The end of Genesis did not bring us back to the beginning , but it surely left us heading in the right direction .
17 ‘ I would bring something back for someone else but I would not bring it back for myself .
18 To me , sexuality is romance and love and poetry and beauty , not picking somebody up on the street and using each other then telling them to fuck off and burning them with a cigarette .
19 that er you 're not you know , take her back on a Sunday but you 're not picking her up on a Friday , I said she 's got a train pass make her come home
20 In fact , Johnny 's not picking me up from school again tonight .
21 Oh he said , when he 's finished I do n't whether he 's not picking it up till later on .
22 I should not expect them back before late in the afternoon .
23 they 've not , yeah , they 've not phoned her up for God knows how long .
24 Do not send me back to Hanoi empty handed . ’
25 Now that Antoinette was dead , there was no one to repeat to her to be careful , not to drop it , to try at least to walk like a lady , not to plonk it down like that .
26 ‘ Why ? ’ she retorts , ‘ can we not give something back by doing our own work ? ’
27 But her heart , her poor , long-neglected heart , had answered yes , before her head had even begun to calculate all the reasons she absolutely could not and should not give herself over to this madness .
28 Why not give herself over to the silliness of it , instead of feeling distress ?
29 ( which generates error code 27 ) will not break you out of this loop .
30 Contrary to belief , this does not lift you out of this world in which you live , but it does allow you to take your rightful place within this world in the totality of your being .
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