Example sentences of "not [verb] [verb] her [noun] " in BNC.

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1 She felt lonely and miserable , but she had not stopped loving her husband , in spite of her anxiety about his past .
2 Maggie did not want to take her arms away from Phoebe , she needed to be held .
3 ‘ How can a mother not want to see her daughter ? ’
4 He suddenly did not want to lose her respect .
5 Presumably he believed that though his wife might join in a little family intrigue against him , she would not want to carry her opposition to the point of war — particularly if that were to involve her in an alliance with her ex-husband .
6 Laura still needs several months treatment and her parents do not want to leave her side .
7 I see her crouching at the entrance of a hut ( olpal ) looking in at , perhaps talking to , the shy bride within , who does not want to leave her father 's village ( engang ) .
8 Cecilia always left coming to Tina 's until noon was past because she did not want to find her daughter in bed .
9 But she would not speak when the guard was near ; she did not want to betray her knowledge to the strangers .
10 But there were other things , things she remembered hearing had happened , although she did not want to alarm her daughter by warning her against them .
11 No torture devised by William of Ypres could be worse than this , she decided , still not daring to raise her head .
12 ‘ You were — er — you were just joking earlier , on the dance-floor — were n't you ? ’ she murmured , not daring to raise her eyes as she toyed with some of the pink salmon mayonnaise on her plate .
13 She did not need to speak her pain to any but her God .
14 But this time , Anne did not promise to obey her spouse , as she had done at Westminster Abbey , nearly 20 years ago .
15 Clara had had the sense not to try to ask her mother about a possible purchase , as she could only too clearly imagine the responses to which such a request would expose her , and the abuse which would be cast upon those girls fortunate enough to have a use for party dresses .
16 Mr Morton goes on to say it was the Queen who persuaded her not to try to end her marriage and to accompany her husband on their official visit to South Korea .
17 Like they could not wait to abolish her conveniences and idiosyncrasies .
18 Ratagan did not seek to meet her eyes .
19 One of my friends , Elizabeth Brockhurst , a Catholic convert , was billeted on Plymouth Brethren : she was not permitted to play her wireless , as it was considered a contraption of the Devil .
20 This led to a heated family argument , the daughter not wanting to leave her family , the husband not wanting to lose his wife , and the father indicating that this was not what he intended .
21 ‘ Ari , ’ she said , not wanting to add her surname in case these colleagues of Roirbak 's had heard of Ewan .
22 At the time of her break-up with Hugh , not wanting to worry her mother , she had kept much of her own unhappiness hidden .
23 Hari remained silent not wanting to admit her ignorance .
24 She told herself she would not be shy , she would not blush when addressed as la petite Anglaise , she would not mind having her fluency admiringly remarked upon , she would not care that everyone in the shop would turn round and stare at her , the foreigner .
25 Theda would not hesitate to speak her mind .
26 Heathcliff looked more like a gentleman than I had ever seen him , but his wife had not bothered to brush her hair or change her dress .
27 The woman had not bothered to pull her veil across her face .
28 Alternatively , the defendant may , by his conduct , have so terrified the victim , that she does not dare register her non-consent .
29 She cried silently , but made no effort to stop , although Michael would not like to see her cry .
30 On a visit to Mrs Chamberlin she explained that she did not like to leave her aunt and would from then on come only once a week , and she put it about that for the moment , neither she nor her aunt would be at home on Wednesday afternoons .
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