Example sentences of "not [verb] [noun] [prep] [det] " in BNC.

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1 The person who prescribed the medicine may have had homoeopathic experience but was not using homoeopathy in this case .
2 Not to see points like that ( and there are more obvious ones ) is in a way shameful .
3 I can not make sense of that rhyme .
4 In this way he was led to discover that the old laws could not make sense of these situations .
5 His words did not make sense at all .
6 ‘ We must not make assumptions about that child watching .
7 Their hearers completely fail to comprehend because the message is couched in unfamiliar vocabulary and does not make contact with any of their felt needs .
8 They do not make decisions like this on the spur of the moment .
9 They do not make decisions like this on the spur of the moment .
10 A Texaco Trophy victory over Australia can not make amends for that 3–0 Test drubbing in India .
11 We have already seen ( paragraph 7–05 ) that the time of delivery is normally ‘ of the essence , ’ i.e. if a delivery date is stipulated and the seller can not make delivery by that date , that is a breach of condition and the buyer is entitled to repudiate the contract and sue for non-delivery .
12 Historical study can not make place for any such absoluteness , let alone demonstrate it .
13 You do not make arrests in this city .
14 Freud did this , even though his explicit view of science led him to think the scientist should not make judgements of this kind .
15 In 1739 ( and , later , in 1763 ) Acts were passed empowering the justices ‘ to raise and levy such able-bodied men as have not any lawfyl calling or employment … or do not make use of any lawful means for their support and maintenance , to serve as soldiers ’ .
16 Unfortunately , the partner does not make use of this opportunity , because he , too ( and for the same reason ) , pretends to be asleep and fears to budge .
17 They did not want success at all costs , but likewise they were not willing to jump off the pop escalator , or stand on the spot arguing among themselves .
18 Could it be that the Germans in the west did not want unity after all , despite those opinion polls over decades showing they did ?
19 ‘ Let's face it — he may not want help of any sort .
20 Later writers , even those sympathetic to Antal 's thesis , have admitted that the argument about class conflict in the period was exaggerated , but this does not exclude the possibility that an equally unexpected approach may not throw light on some apparently exhausted topic .
21 Western intelligence sources in Cambodia have claimed that Pol Pot , de facto leader of the Khmer Rouge , has issued a directive telling Cambodians not to kill animals for any reason .
22 NeWS had 33% , and others — not Display PostScript of any form — had 42% .
23 Hundreds more will follow , prompting Mr Hildesheimer to suggest that the best commemoration would be not to perform Mozart at all until next year , so that everyone could realise what they had been missing .
24 Not , no , I , I 've really not given thought to that subject .
25 In that case one clause which on its wording excluded liability if the buyers had not given notice of any defects within three days of purchase was held to fail the reasonableness test .
26 The accurate hitting of targets in September owes much to the decisions made as to whether or not to confirm offers to those who have not quite met the conditions , a process strongly influenced by estimates ( based on past experience ) of the likely take up by those that have .
27 English Electric were not building trams by this time , and the new cars had to be ordered from a railway wagon builder , Roberts of Wakefield .
28 For us , even as an Anglican church , it has been important not to wear robes in these new churches .
29 A newsletter writer of August 1692 complained that it was impossible to distinguish between those who did not come to church because they were attending conventicles and those who did not worship God at all , and he predicted the result would be the downfall of the Church of England followed by the triumph of popery .
30 He therefore sees no point in trying to enforce statutory instructions that are so unclear that any reliance on them would be speculative , so vague that they can not aid coordination in any case .
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