Example sentences of "this was more [adj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 And then — and this was more sinister by far — or is the Castle affecting her ?
2 And William began to run from the approaching cart , which was piled high with the bodies of the plague victims , and as he ran the streets became the familiar streets of his childhood and he knew that all the time he was running from the terrible cart he was getting closer and closer to the dark house by the railway embankment with its shuttered windows and its locked door , and that this was more terrible to him than anything in his history books .
3 Though discussed explicitly at times , this was more diffuse as a topic and was inherent in a wide range of concerns .
4 This was more educative for the staff than the students .
5 This was more possible on the east and south elevations which adjoin the head of the village street and a public car park access road respectively than it was on the west and south sides .
6 Intraepithelial lymphocytes rarely expressd CD25 , although when found this was more common in the crypt than surface epithelium .
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