Example sentences of "this is [pos pn] [noun] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 I do not know the lady at all , but this is her autobiography and HarperCollins believes in her .
2 We can see that this is her intention as she says , after telling Bassanio to leave for Belmont to help Antonio , ( Act 3 , Scene 2 , lines 304–305 )
3 This is their experience as well as interpretations made of their condition .
4 Then you can begin to introduce new ideas gradually , one by one , being willing at the same time to take ‘ no ’ for an answer if they are definitely opposed to change of any kind , since this is their right and must be respected .
5 We all know that the task we 've set the officers is to manage within the budgets they 've been given , and to have no cuts in services , and no compulsory redundancies , and thi this is their challenge and this is what they seem to be achieving , and I think we should applaud them for that .
6 This is his story and the film will in a sense be shot over his shoulder .
7 This is his peg and his coat must be put on it .
8 Possibly one reason for the author 's attitude was his ignorance of the geography of the country ; a striking instance of this is his statement that in 1461 the earl of March , whom he had rightly described as being in Wales , arrived in England having enjoyed a prosperous voyage and favoured by the west wind ( 14 , p.532 ) .
9 This is our inspiration and challenge :
10 You say : ‘ This is our manifesto and this is what we are going to do ’ .
11 Where and actually sort of rather than saying this is our manifesto and you know our policy promises it 's lacking excitement on our general policy .
12 Added to this is our awareness that prostate cancer is strange in that it sometimes never progresses . ’
13 But these they 've erm the religious parties you 've got build there , you know we 've got to expand Israel this is our homeland and if you do n't do this we 're not going to support you .
14 And it 's only a bit of entertainment , and we must really stand up and say this is our game and , it belongs to us !
15 Today is Paul Daniels ' ’ This is Your Life' and I 'm a surprise guest .
16 This is your mess and you can damn well clear it up ! ’
17 This is your day and we will endeavour to organise it in a way that reflects your needs and requirements .
18 Do not accept offers of tea or coffee if this is your problem as you will then give yourself the further anxiety of controlling the cup and saucer .
19 It lost half its ten million since it started a speculator for BBC wants to buy This is Your Life and Thames the seven o'clock with Wogan as host it 's a
20 I can remember producing an edition of ITV This Is Your Life when Eamon Andrews handed Bill the Big Red Book
21 This is your chance and you must take it .
22 This is your bed and your cupboard . ’
23 I think this is your mum if it 's trundling along at max nought point nought , aha it could be , it could be , it is , it will be , it is
24 ‘ I suppose this is your office as well ?
25 they Mary , I mean she come to the funeral and said she went up to Catherine and she said er oh this is your aunty and said , I do n't you , you see
26 This pattern — he indicated the gleaming iris of colours — this is your meaning as it is perceived by others than yourself .
27 Thank you very much , but this is my patient and I must see the case through .
28 This is my subject because it 's my land .
29 I mean as I said when I was filling in the questionnaire I was thinking well this , really this is my preference and you know I 'd much rather be in a job that allowed me some flexibility .
30 Sometimes she would say ‘ This is my company and if I want it , why ca n't I have it ? ’
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