Example sentences of "this be n't [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 And then the punch line : ‘ This is n't done for something , it is done just so . ’
2 This is n't intended for the profound jottings which occur in the back of the van after a gig ( to be auctioned at Sotherby 's when you are dead ! ) .
3 This is n't intended as any particular message , but we are now one of the weightiest shares in the F T S E index and be we believe that it should improve the market liquidity of the shares .
4 I I mean I think I think in retrospect the erm this is n't intended as a criticism erm of past work , but I do think we need to look at getting as much volunteer help in the town towards volun volunt environmental achievements as possible because one of our one of our claims is that we 're cost effective and can galvanize voluntary effort , and if we erm put all of our work out to tender including relatively small works , we 're actually going to negate that particular claim and we 're gon na look as as as er cost cost wasteful as the district council and the county council in their use of professional help all the time , even though there may be people in the community who are prepared to help .
5 As with the graphics side of things , this is n't handled from within WordStar but via another add-on , Star Exchange .
6 It 's not likely that they 'll fall entirely from grace , and this is n't meant to be a sob story of any sort .
7 This is n't meant to be a test , a mental MOT for your man , but they are all topics you can talk about , which will help you get to know each other better .
8 And this , I mean , this is n't meant to be a good band anyway , is it ?
9 not ideal so we say to you it 's not ideal so the supervisor , so you have to say to , this has got ta be sorted , this is not ideal , this is n't gon na work when you 're not here .
10 This is n't gon na be shown in the school is it ?
11 No , this is n't gon na smell , I like the condom it 's wearing
12 This is n't going to be so bad after all .
13 After a frantic few minutes ' chase the skua realises this is n't going to be cost-effective and breaks off to look for something easier .
14 I 'm never never one for for making work but on an a on although this is n't going to be called an annual report for most children it will be an annual event and I do feel quite strongly that for the child to be able to have the opportunity
15 I 'm sorry , this is n't going to be easy for you , but I 've got to say it .
16 This is n't going to work , ’ Alina said despondently .
17 This is n't going to work , ’ he started to say , but Bobo pulled her arm back into the cage and made a vague two-handed gesture .
18 And I hope this is n't going to be a precedent . ’
19 This is n't going to be a picnic , if I know the press .
20 Yes , erm I 'm sorry to disappoint you this is n't going to be the other side of the coin .
21 evidence , er I would however like to point out this is n't included into the report , but much of these have these days that incidence of complaints received er by organization such as ours from the general public and I 'm happy to report this indeed can be verified factually that the incidence of complaint against the highway service has dropped off enormously in the last two or three years , certainly within the last two years when we concentrated so much of our time and effort and improved in the quality and immediacy of the service of practice , er the level of complaints these days , and these are general complaints , not
22 But this was n't to do with fearsome flashbacks from the great TV war .
23 But I mean , if it was costing this sort of money to clear the pipes and so forth out , what I fail to understand is if we 're having a full overhaul of the machine , why this was n't incorporated within it .
24 This was n't helping at all .
25 She began to hope that maybe she 'd already been rescued and this was n't Spiderglass at all .
26 And when Helen , who lives in Oxford , discovered this was n't provided by the NHS , she started raising funds to buy the equipment .
27 This was n't going at all how she had hoped .
28 up until then I still was n't too worried , but I think then it started to dawn on me that this was n't going to be much fun and I felt a bit scared .
29 This was n't going to be a party .
30 Sometimes being born with every apparent advantage in life spawns the deepest need to create something just by oneself , to say : ‘ This was n't handed to me on a plate , but I did it just the same ! ’
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