Example sentences of "this be the way [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Staff who have worked in the homes become institutionalised ; they say this is the way we 've always done it .
2 ‘ You 're an arrogant little shit , and this is the way we treat arrogant little shits round here , and we do n't give a flying fuck who your fucking parents are ! ’
3 Inner/outer Face : This is the way we think others see us — although we may be wrong .
4 Since this is the way we read , it is easier and more natural to work in this way .
5 This is the way we jump out of bed
6 This is the way we jump out of bed
7 Other verses are : This is the way we dress ourselves , clean our teeth and brush our hair .
8 When I used to be involved in the old days , people used to say : ‘ I 'm from Coopers , I 'm from Peats , and this is the way we do it' ’ .
9 look , this is one we 're introducing this is the way we in in intend to use it .
10 but hopefully it wo n't be the so what you 're saying was you you 'd recommend it to us , yeah plan this is the way we do our business , by recommendations okay .
11 I 've had two or three I think , very rarely do we find them and shapers tend to go out on a limb they tend to want to lead they tend to want to control they want people to follow their way they do tend to be the people that dig in and say you know this is the way we do it .
12 This is the way we 'll meet our aim of covering all the four hundred and fifty Tesco 's stores .
13 The second aspect of the school meals changes are with that alternative meal saving and would best be introduced erm if members were to decide that this is the way we wanted to go from April ninety five rather than in Sept September ninety four as suggested and attached to the report and that delays the savings , but achieves the same saving but not until nineteen ninety six seven and you will see that the figures have been amended and to take that into account and that 's on line fifty four B appendix ten .
14 I called Bernadette in , and said Bernadette this is the way we 're going to do things from now on , and Bernadette knew which side of the bread her butter was on , so she said , of course Ricky no problem .
15 Good fine this is the way we operate .
16 And this is why I think the approach that Harrogate would perhaps be thinking of and we ourselves would be thinking of if this is the way we wanted to go is simply to go out and get a site and get planning permission on it .
17 This is the way we 're gon na work it .
18 And this is the way we work it .
19 If we sold our lands to the Government , this is the way they were bought .
20 Whether this is the way they express themselves does not matter so long as we can establish that this is the substance of their view .
21 A reflection of this is the way they are all trying to develop their lager interests in a market where lager is growing at nearly 10 per cent per annum and is likely to command over 40 per cent of all sales this year .
22 If this is the way they want to treat Nigel , they can suffer the consequences .
23 ‘ But , ’ adds Taki , ‘ what is truly terrible about all this is the way they have behaved in front of her children .
24 Wapping : My Lord , this is the way I always stand And have stood so for 60 years or more .
25 This is the way I know , and it is the only way I can write about but there are a hundred other ways to release and a hundred other ways for every intellect .
26 This is the way I have learned to use my machine and although there are one or two things I still do n't quite understand , I feel that with a bit of determination and the help of your articles I am getting there .
27 ‘ Well , you know , like he says he was coming up to you — this is the way I look at it — coming up to ask you to lend , say , a lawnmower , right — this is when he 's no drunk , ordinary sober , you know — and he 'll be walking up to you and thinking about it at the same time .
28 ‘ This is my show ; this is the way I want to do it .
29 This is the way I am , and I figure why be different ?
30 ‘ Perhaps you would , but this is the way I 've done it . ’
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