Example sentences of "this be [adv] [that] the " in BNC.

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1 The point of all this is not that the entire women 's liberation movement should support the Wages for Housework demand ( as at present formulated ) — a pretty remote possibility — but that it should recognise — as WfH does — the importance of feminism 's attitude to housewives .
2 The proper reply to this is not that the truth of a view , strictly speaking , is independent of the motivations of those who hold it , although that is so .
3 It seems that the children have been too easily persuaded to sell their land and houses , for what matters in a drama like this is not that the children should act out what actually happened in real life , but that it should open up and help them understand the dilemmas of industrialisation .
4 The reason for this is probably that the fields are situated on top of upthrown fault blocks .
5 This is why that the leaning process never ends , it 's , it 's always on , the new developments come in and people have to be taught , and firemen have to keep up to date with that .
6 This is simply that the accounts would record , as an expense , an item which is only supported by the issue of an order .
7 This is so that the energy can be made to travel a much greater distance .
8 The reason for this is so that the recipient can see at a glance what the letter is about .
9 This is so that the flatter base becomes the top , ensuring a smoother surface to the cake .
10 This is so that the crowd can give him a fair judgement .
11 The reason for this was probably that the sediments were deposited largely under sabkha conditions and therefore were particularly prone to exposure and freshwater flushing .
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