Example sentences of "this [noun sg] and i think " in BNC.

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1 Had n't got one upstairs , had n't a card , so I went out sa we 've been out this afternoon , and I get this card and I think , oh yes , now that 's pretty !
2 and these people , you know , er had a deputation and all this business and I think some of that rubbed off on the children and , and you 've
3 Madam Deputy Speaker I only wanted to make a short intervention er er on this point and I think I will return to it from time to time because it is a perennial , annual problem of every time the minister introduces a a rule and regulation we can understand it 's extremely useful and how can one say that er regulations about fraud are not useful , it 's just the culture of our country has been besieged by these rules and regulations and I 'm surprised that anybody can actually make any profit or do any business simply because of the weight of officialdom and the weight of rules and regulations which prevents them from getting above er the the surface .
4 Yeah that 's a big and my and that stuck out the bucket like that , well going over the top we had a hood over the top tumbler to stop the flashing , so my father stopped , thinking that was a bit of wood and were gon na break the top of the tumbler , so he stop and out and scrubbed it and found that was this bone and I think if my memory serve me right that 's in the , the Fleet Museum now .
5 Erm I 've been out as on the er line three this morning and I think there 's another little bit we ought to buy but we 'll discuss that as we 're going on eh ?
6 It , the bill was hundred and thirty eight quid last month and it 'll be more than that this month and I think my yearly allowance is about three hundred , you know , so I 'm rapidly running out .
7 But that actually occurred this week and I think we 're gon na see more of that .
8 I think he said er he , he 's got ta pay his road tax this week and I think he said it was two hundred and seventy five
9 So on that ground I feel would be very worried by by promoting the right to buy , erm I 've said everything I want to I did n't really want to elongate this this er this debate and I think it 's but I think , I do n't believe that Councillor mentioned the the the er the .
10 ‘ I do n't like this abbey and I think there 's some sort of link between this place and Sir John Santerre . ’
11 They have differences and similarities in dealing with this subject and I think they both succeed in making their readers consider the subject more deeply .
12 Yes Mr Chairman erm I understand the motive behind this proposal resolution but I think the mover perhaps is unaware of what 's actually going on and have to decide and so I would like to speak against this resolution and I think the constructive thing to do so we do n't send the wrong messages would be to er I , I will move an amendment er and I will explain what I 'm doing as I speak .
13 Dr Myerscough said : ‘ I have tried to put myself in the consultant 's shoes in this situation and I think his apparent instinct that he thought the time had come to induce labour was correct . ’
14 We made two hundred and forty five pounds on Thriller of the Year one hundred and nineteen pounds on Tea for Two but that is after we 've made the three hundred pounds donation to Whiston Hospital we made a thousand and eighteen pounds on the panto Wuthering Heights we lost four hundred and nine pounds , but that was basically that we do costume plays and have to hire the erm fixtures and set pieces from Wrightsons or wherever we 're always going to be in this position and I think it 's the tradition of the Garrick that we continue to do them , and I think we have to accept that we may have losses in future on those particular erm things .
15 The programme has been a lot better , a lot more stable this year and I think all round , the fitness in general , is going to be a lot better than it was last year .
16 If they ca n't get sufficient profit out of supplying gas in the U K I think British Gas is on the verge of withdrawing from the gas market in the U K , and that a lot of jobs in this country and I think we ought to be aware of that and I think we ought to be campaigning to make sure that does n't happen .
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