Example sentences of "this [noun sg] may [not/n't] [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 These can , however , only be paid for six years in arrears , so this concession may not help if you think about it too late .
2 Calves in this category may not have developed a strong immunity and after treatment should not be returned to the field which was the source of infection ; if this is impossible , parenteral ivermectin is the drug of choice since its residual effect prevents reinfection for a further three weeks .
3 This constraint may not apply to fundholding practices where , in addition to the obvious benefits to the patient , real financial incentives exist .
4 Firstly , the hypotensive effect of this drug may not have been of sufficient size to reduce microalbuminuria .
5 The women in this study may not have identified with the ‘ unemployed ’ status , but employment remained a central organising principle of their lives .
6 What with the cacophony of sounds assailing us from all sides and the crowd of shoppers jostling and pressing between and around us , this reply may not give him a very clear indication of where I am standing .
7 However , this effect may not last , and long-term follow-up is useful to ensure that the patient does not lapse into those unhealthy ways which made him unwell in the first place .
8 However some answering ‘ yes ’ to this also went on to oppose any cap in the case of private clients — which suggests that the capping implications of this question may not have been fully appreciated .
9 We realise that this prospectus may not answer all your questions , or even that it contains so much information that it leaves you confused .
10 If an agent decides to invest in an act for the first year of its career , this band may not sign a record deal .
11 This conclusion may not remain universally true when we allow for heterogeneous capital ; none the less , the possibility remains that shifting may take place and we need to check when considering policy proposals the likelihood of this actually happening .
12 Although this alliance may not last for long , both sides have an interest in sticking together while negotiations continue .
13 Although a wizard affected by this spell may not cast spells , he may continue to use Dispel cards from the Winds of Magic .
14 While this delay may not cause difficulties for the production of the final version of a map it is an inefficient way to proceed during the stage of map design .
15 This appointment may not have been entirely happy .
16 This Chinese water-wheel clock was not only quite different from , but was a good deal more accurate than , the first European mechanical clocks and in this respect may not have been surpassed until after the introduction of the pendulum clock in the seventeenth century .
17 This explanation may not seem very attractive .
18 I may put on my notes that this this guy may not have the background but there is something else I 've seen or we 've heard on the phone
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