Example sentences of "this [noun sg] that he [verb] " in BNC.

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1 So I says What we can do is I 'll do an hour for you , we 'll move the piano and other bits , bicycles in this case that he had , we 'll shift them to the house close by , drop two men off , and one man 'll come and do the remainder of the work .
2 But he 's been telling members of the Environmental Protection Committee this afternoon that he has every confidence in the steps that Thames Water has taken to prevent an recurrence of the events of eighteen months ago .
3 It was on this board that he had saved so many lives at Waimea .
4 His critique centres on two related problems : in the first place if , as Foucault argues , the expulsion of madness by reason constitutes the possibility of history as such , so that this gesture of exclusion produces the fundamental structure of historicity , then the ‘ classical ’ moment of this proscription that he describes must be an example rather than an originary moment .
5 And we and then we had been working for him for about ten or eleven years on this contract that he had for us .
6 and all this money that he 's got , ca n't pay a man a living wage , so but it 's a decent as I say , he 's lucky to be got a job these days .
7 It was partly because of this experience that he had no hesitation in supporting wholeheartedly the Roskill recommendation to depart from the principle of jury trial in complex fraud cases , against the ( ultimately successful ) Home Office view advocated by Hurd .
8 Eisenhower commented in June that the British were so incensed by this question that he felt they would prefer to lose the oil , even to the USSR , rather than admit defeat .
9 It was in this mood that he decided to bring The Criterion to an end .
10 as well , had a little do with a little boy called Shane , he decided he wanted to come into the story with a , in his blue car , I explained that on the day of the choose he could either come in and have a story or he was to play with the blue car outside , well he had a fit , he 's rattling the door , anyway , I did n't realize there was this childminder that he had with him not er his mum , cos she came and had her sort of say and things
11 There was a feel about this moment that he did not like .
12 It was during this interval that he drew several versions of a famous picture of the Hague period , entitled Sorrow .
13 He puts down something like eight guitar tracks using numerous WEM Copicats and what have you , and it 's only when you hear them all together that you realise he 's assembled this sound that he had in his head .
14 ‘ Have n't you ever thought , ’ asked Biddy , not looking at me , ‘ that he would n't want to meet important people , he would n't want to be taken away from this job that he does well , and the village where he 's loved ? ’
15 He left the king 's service for a few years after March 1245 ; it was probably during this period that he compiled a metrical grammar for the children of Hamo de Pecche , a Cambridgeshire baron .
16 It was during this period that he formed a mixed media trio called Feathers comprising himself , Hermione and John Hutchinson who came from Hull .
17 It was during this period that he took into his service Perkin Warbeck [ q.v. ] , who later claimed to be Edward IV 's son , Richard , Duke of York [ q.v . ] .
18 It was during this period that he conceived the idea of an airline devoted to small package shipments .
19 And it was during this period that he published , in fair French , his monograph on artificial daylight ( Lettre sur les moyens de produire , la nuit , une lumière pareille à celle du jour , 1785 ) and his second essay on light and vision ( Théorie de la lumière , applicable aux arts , et principalement à la peinture , 1786 ) .
20 Syd Robinson , a vice-chairman of the Eastern District , was so incensed by this move that he resigned as one of the District 's three representatives on the Extra-Mural Board forthwith .
21 It was from this room that he wrote his first and only communications with the outside world .
22 Charity felt the same mystery in this place that he felt , that his mother had felt before him .
23 And then he remembered that it was in exactly this position in exactly this place that he had turned to face Lucy , less than three weeks ago , shouting obscenities at her .
24 It is within this group that he comes to establish both personal social bonds within his particular sub-group , but also comes to feel part of a wider social collective , as witnessed by the ‘ we 're all in it together ’ type of accounts given by members .
25 Gedge 's studies came to an end and it was at this point that he realised his obsessive interest in music could not be satisfied by part-time activity while he searched for a ‘ proper ’ job .
26 It was at this point that he began to realize what a very bizarre and difficult case he had fallen into .
27 It was at this point that he found himself face to face with Cinzia Miletti .
28 It is at this point that he starts selling his clients out of as much stock as possible , so as to release their capital for the investment propositions he will offer them in his next post .
29 It was at this point that he turned into the drive .
30 It was on this basis that he set about creating a new monastic life with all the force and organizational ability which he possessed .
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