Example sentences of "this [noun sg] [is] [adv] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 The practical significance of this change is mainly to reduce the damages by removing one possible plaintiff , rather than by removing the prospect of an action .
2 The aim of this study is thus to examine in detail different kinds of provision for children with special needs in the first year of secondary schooling .
3 The second section of this study is thus to review the possible relations between Islam and the bureaucratic state .
4 The motive behind this action is usually to reduce the chances of a police check of two on a motor bicycle .
5 The aim of the study reported in this chapter is thus to see whether the results of the previous study are still obtained when subjects are not actually aware that the experiment is concerned with subjective risk .
6 The aim of this chapter is merely to draw the attention of the reader to some of the main methods of odour abatement currently available , bearing in mind that successful abatement may require a combination of the methods described below .
7 This strategy is simply to defend existing institutions and social relations as naturally right and inevitable .
8 The aim of this paper is therefore to examine the way in which the need to take account of preferences and co-ordination of solutions should influence the design of an NLP system .
9 It is argued that to speak out on this subject is only to suggest the very evil you want to cure , and to do more harm than good …
10 This letter is primarily to ask you to note my change of address to Rossendale , Lancs , with immediate effect .
11 The chief purpose of this letter is actually to ask you a favour .
12 The aim of this project is therefore to analyse the agricultural and employment strategies of both refugees and their rural hosts , in order to examine their responses the experience of refugee migration , and their impact on the host country .
13 The aim of this project is therefore to undertake a comparison of South Africa 's labour legislation with the ILO standards in order to ascertain the degree to which the former conform with the latter and provide a comprehensive historical resource base .
14 To look at Christian dualism in this way is actually to advance an argument against God , not the Devil , and some people feel that in discrediting God such a view calls into question not only the Devil but the whole of Christianity .
15 The trend in this country is increasingly to entertain outdoors .
16 This cruelty is all to do with looks and style .
17 Her reproductive role at this stage is simply to receive the male ejaculate containing the sperms , and to this end , during the period of sexual excitement before intercourse , various glands secrete mucus to aid lubrication and facilitate the insertion of the erect penis into the vagina .
18 My object at this stage is simply to depose the concept of society as an organism in which , far more subtly than we can measure or identify ( it is only recently that we have begun to identify the chemical balance of the human organism of society ) , a certain balance between tendencies and elements , many in themselves dangerous , destructive and evil , has to be maintained as a condition of survival , but a balance which can be endangered , or lost , reversibly or irrevocably .
19 Our intention in this section is simply to set out the main ideas of monetarism and to compare briefly monetarist policy recommendations with those of Keynesian economists .
20 Our concern in this section is merely to consider what use could be made today of correspondence for sociological purposes .
21 Therefore the point of this section is only to draw attention to some aspects of intellectual and administrative change that can be more easily observed in a discussion on sources than in a more general context .
22 The function of this sentiment is likewise to preserve the autonomy of science … .
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