Example sentences of "this [noun sg] [vb base] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 BARGAIN-HUNTERS who scour the Church bazaar , the Scout fete and the car boot sale this Easter have the right to demand their money back if what they buy turns out to be a pig in a poke , a report says today .
2 Narrowly dyadic relationships of this kind show no tendency to proliferate outwards so as to form a wider network , and , since they are usually short-lived , anthropologists have not often given them much attention .
3 Switches of this kind maintain the stability of complex metabolic systems without altering the numbers or kinds of enzyme molecules present .
4 Opinion poll findings of this kind raise a problem .
5 ‘ The minister emphasised to the papal nuncio that remarks of this kind do no justice whatsoever to the content of the Dutch euthanasia legislation , ’ the ministry said in a statement .
6 Not only does development of this kind damage the setting , it very often fails to produce the promised restoration .
7 Examples of this kind include the Polytechnic 's Diplomas in Cartography and Publishing ( now single fields ) , and , most recently , the Polytechnic Diploma in Language Studies ( now a double field , leading , over three years rather than the four required for honours degrees in other language fields , to a BA degree only ) .
8 Books of this kind include The Making of the English Landscape by W.G. Hoskins ( Penguin Paperback ) .
9 ‘ I think that pictures of this kind have no place on the sleeve of a pop record and I strongly question her commitment to Amnesty International . ’
10 We feel strongly that weapons of this kind have no place , so we support measures to ban them or prohibit their sale . ’
11 Blocks of this kind have the advantage of being regular and of uniform size , making planning , estimating and building easier than if using natural stone .
12 Is he really trying to convince the people of Britain , as they tried to do then , that policies of this kind provide a basis for sustained recovery and sustained growth ?
13 The relatively high completion rates for the ‘ Other NSEs ’ reflects the fact that this includes students with ‘ professional , nursing , technical or secretarial qualifications ’ The pattern which emerges is that students who have been selected on the basis of success in some form of study which prepares them for the demands which will be placed on them in higher education respond as least as well if not better than the traditionally qualified A-level entrants , while those with less evidence of success of this kind find the transition to higher education difficult and are more likely to drop-out .
14 However it also appears that those with less evidence of success of this kind find the transition to higher education difficult and are more likely to drop-out .
15 The options under this index allow the manipulation of ‘ products ’ , packages of software which are intended for internal or external release to a ‘ client ’ .
16 The options available through this index include the granting of LIFESPAN privileges .
17 But we can not in this case take the flow of newly issued bills , or even the net flow ( new issues minus redemptions ) as the supply and learn anything useful from it about the operation of the market .
18 This ’ optimal ’ mapping is based on maximising the overlap between the sense property vectors ( which in this case take the form of synonym lists ) .
19 Then the stockholders vote on or in this case rubberstamp the deal .
20 The indirect effect of the tax via can not therefore in this case reverse the effect on relative prices .
21 Does the fact that half of the sample of Conservative Members said that there should be no change in income tax in this Budget invalidate a survey in which well over half the hon. Lady 's colleagues who were consulted said that the basic rate of income tax should go up ?
22 This concession cost the order ten per cent of its yearly income .
23 The law may in this instance have a role to play in drawing the attention of society in general and professionals in particular to the fact that boys , too , may be the object of sexual exploitation within the family .
24 Graduates from this course enter the communications industry , journalism , radio and television , as well as a range of professions in education , the arts and business .
25 The terms of this contract include the law of the land , which applies fairly and equally to all of us .
26 Staff duties in this division include the acquisition of non-current printed material , mainly of Scottish relevance ; the cataloguing of British books printed before 1801 ; dealing with bibliographical enquiries ; providing advice to institutional and private libraries ; and various other duties involving close co-operation with many of the Library 's other departments .
27 Out of this money machine the Government collects many hundreds of millions in VAT , corporation tax , income tax and national insurance contributions .
28 The responsibilities of this department cover the development of the HCIMA professional qualifications , liaison with centres offering HCIMA programmes and administration of the moderation system , accreditation of hospitality programmes in the UK and overseas , management development activities for members ' self development , Student Members recruitment , Licentiate assessments and career counselling .
29 Please note that both this department adn the Forth River Purification Board should be consulted over any proposals to discharge surface water to water courses .
30 ‘ I would love , ’ he said , ‘ to go along with you just to see this horse do the work . ’
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