Example sentences of "this [noun sg] [verb] be [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Although this framework has been usefully applied to higher education ( see Wright 1988 ) , its main impact has been on studies of the school curriculum .
2 One of the main reasons that the display looks so good is that it has been configured to use typographic faces as opposed to conventional typewriter-like text and this advantage has been further heightened by using typographic measurements throughout , each dot on the screen corresponds to 1 point .
3 Nonetheless welfare provisions for school children had made progress during the 1930s although because of the frequent economic crises this progress had been rather erratic .
4 This change has been chiefly in the direction of the broadening of its outlook on life . ’
5 and Euston , I believe all those parish councils have written to the county surveyor , erm , wilfully the er H G V ban and saying how successful they think it is , now the proposals in this paper do n't have any particular effect on them , but I would want to pass on to the officers here in case it has n't erm quite registered , but this ban has been very much welcomed on the northern section of the A ten eighty eight where although it 's not a formal ban the affect on villages particular such as
6 It is important to note that for a variety of reasons clauses of this kind have been heavily criticized .
7 Longitudinal studies of this kind have been very limited , and the study should provide an excellent basis for the critical examination of self-identity theory .
8 This weakness has been largely du , they suggest , to the fact that readability research has been based on an impoverished psychology of reading .
9 This case has been extensively cited and approved in more recent authorities : see for example Littlewoods Organisation Ltd v Harris [ 1978 ] 1 All ER 1026 .
10 Is it not a fact that everyone in the Home Office associated with this case has been properly advised by qualified lawyers , that the facts that my right hon. Friend had produced to the House today are not in dispute and that the issue is one of constitutional importance only ?
11 Because most tied cottages are located on farms and because the village in this case has been virtually emptied of its former working population , farm workers become both physically and socially isolated from the village .
12 We 're actually in a part of Barley Hall now accidentally except that this part has been so Georgianized that we have n't incorporated into the medieval house it 's used as an office .
13 The accuracy of this technique has been steadily improving and measurements can now be made over thousands of kilometres to an accuracy of a few millimetres .
14 This technique has been successfully applied to lung washings from patients with sarcoidosis , and M tuberculosis DNA was detected in half of the samples .
15 This technique has been successfully used in our laboratory for the identification of B virus DNA in previous cases of fatal B virus infection .
16 This technique has been widely adopted by researchers in recent years .
17 Elements of this technique have been widely adopted in manufacturing industry , and work study , time-and-motion analysis , and payments-by-results schemes are all children of this ‘ scientific management ’ approach .
18 This siter has been here a long time and is part of the area .
19 But at trial she said that this admission had been falsely made in order to protect her son .
20 This permission has been readily given in the past .
21 Discs ' efforts in this direction have been decidedly half-hearted .
22 Oh , no , I would not say this hour had been altogether wasted .
23 The struggle against the powerlessness encouraged by the medical model , especially in certain political settings , has been at the core of many liberation movements and this struggle has been especially powerful within women 's liberation movements .
24 It has become apparent that the lifts in this building have been increasingly subject to abuse .
25 It was widely believed that this provision had been specifically inserted to prevent a return to office by Ríos Montt , an evangelical Protestant who had come to power in the wake of a military coup and ruled as dictator from March 1982 to August 1983 [ see pp. 31605-07 ; 32494-96 ] .
26 This damage has been powerfully illustrated in a famous study that depended on deception : John Howard Griffin , a white man , darkened his skin and trudged through the American South .
27 This study has been about mainly the Edwardian moment .
28 And since then this chlorine has been continually recycled through the hydrosphere .
29 This effect has been most noticeable , for obvious reasons , in the most highly capitalized forms of production .
30 This tape has been carefully vetted for sensitivity of content or for material which can lead to the identification of speakers .
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