Example sentences of "this [noun sg] [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 This finding concurs with the personal study of Payne-James .
2 But this grant cut across the claims of the Nevilles , who already held two thirds of the honour 's land in Richmondshire in tail male and had the reversion of the other third .
3 But this grant cut across the claims of the Nevilles , who already held two thirds of the honour 's land in Richmondshire in tail male and had the reversion of the other third .
4 This advantage stems from the fact that the companies and organisations that make up the market tend to be clustered together , for instance on a geographical basis , or by product type .
5 We usually have some warning when one of these changes is about to happen and we may also have the worry about this change balanced by the excitement that a change in circumstances often brings .
6 This change came with the eighth in the Val Fajr series , launched in the south on 9 February in commemoration of the period seven years earlier when the Shah left and Khomeini returned from his sojourn in France .
7 This change applied to the obligatory foreign exchange intervention , i.e. when exchange rates moved to their limit .
8 This change appealed to the Christians who had long observed Sunday — the Lord 's Day ( Dies Dominica ) on which Christ rose from the dead — as the first day of the week , in place of the Jewish Sabbath .
9 This change had by the November 1983 uprating resulted in the abolition of short-term child support .
10 This change occurred at the beginning of the Paleozoic era starting with the Cambrian period , about 570 to 700 million years ago .
11 This change arises from the differences in size between the components which would normally mean mole fractions close to unity for the solvent especially when dilute solutions are being studied .
12 This judgement applies to the I- dominant poems ( 88 , 89 ) as to the Thou- dominant ones , such as 35 , where after the first quatrain excusing the Friend 's faults ( ‘ No more be griev 'd at that which thou hast done ’ ) the second suddenly recoils on itself : This is indeed to bring a plea ‘ 'gainst myself ’ , to become an accomplice or ‘ accessory ’ , plunging oneself in ‘ civil war ’ .
13 Secret The solution to this trick lies in the fact that , while the children can point to which lines they like or say which colour cards they like the best , you decide which cards to take away .
14 Hypocrisy of this kind derives from the agent 's conscience telling him of his evil , while his desire not to appear evil causes him to feign goodness .
15 Despite the problems of understanding the meaning of actions from our observations , this perspective is particularly relevant when behavioural change is sought and discussions of this kind abound in the literature of treatment and therapy .
16 The restrictions which ideas of this kind imposed on the French navy were particularly serious , and can be seen influencing France 's strategy at sea throughout the century .
17 In 1982 it arrived five months early and , in addition , was one of the strongest events of this kind observed in the present century .
18 Although radical politics of this kind remain in the minority , for both left and right , their development means that councils can experience large changes in their policies whilst remaining under the control of the same party - so increasing political variation at the local level .
19 We do not wish to be the first case of this kind to go before the Special Commissioners .
20 Suggestions of this kind culminated in the creation of the foreign office which began its life in 1782 .
21 The Group 's responsibility for site-specific geophysical surveys brings with it the parallel responsibility for databasing the considerable archive of material from surveys of this kind made over the 40 years since the Geophysics Department was set up in the former Geological Survey of Great Britain .
22 The most complete bibliography available lists thirty-three works of this kind published in the quarter-century 1626 – 50 , sixty-six in 1651 – 75 and seventy-seven in 1676 – 1700 .
23 In many countries this elite acts as the chief negotiator with transnational companies and therefore its members become beneficiaries from negotiations with logging contractors , purchase of agricultural estates , permission to sell agricultural inputs , purchase of agricultural inputs , and other policy measures .
24 This difficulty associated with the justification of induction has traditionally been called ‘ the problem of induction ’ .
25 This story improves on the original version emanating from Arran himself , that the king was almost dead when Beaton took his hand and traced his signature .
26 Everyone who acts on society 's behalf in this field struggles with the often competing imperatives of welfare and justice : how to protect children while respecting family autonomy ; how to keep children safe while ensuring a fair hearing for parents ; and how to intervene therapeutically without prejudicing legal evidence .
27 The ESRC 's interest in this field derives from the fact that most of the research questions which arise , whether they concern basic research or policy analysis , require a major contribution from social scientists .
28 The issue was oversubscribed and we will see other companies in this field coming to the market this year .
29 People have , have got to have this opportunity to listen to the good news erm
30 I congratulate my hon. Friend the Member for Basildon ( Mr Amess ) on taking this opportunity to raise in the House the granting of trust status to the Basildon and Thurrock hospitals and on providing the House with the opportunity to mark the granting of trust status .
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