Example sentences of "this [is] [adv] [vb pp] from " in BNC.

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1 A relatively static subject like this is best shot from off a tripod which would enable you to keep well back and work the zoom towards the telephoto end of the range for close-ups without risking spoiling your shots through camera-shake .
2 This is best achieved from an early age , by telling it to ‘ be quiet ’ once you are aware , say , that the front doorbell has been rung .
3 This is best known from Steve Jobs ' NeXT workstation , but the OSF will use code from Encore 's implementation for its Multimax range .
4 As with the graphics side of things , this is n't handled from within WordStar but via another add-on , Star Exchange .
5 This is often inferred from observations of the changing social composition of the village .
6 However , this is often sunk from the start by using a poor form .
7 This is far removed from the commercial emphasis of the LDDC in its early development .
8 Indeed , the attendance allowance system has made it possible for councillors from a broader social range to serve on local authorities but this is far removed from receiving a salary .
9 Something of the kind seems to have happened in the case of the European communist parties ; thus Santiago Carrillo ( 1977 ) , in the passage quoted earlier , says plainly that ‘ the political system established in Western Europe … is in essentials valid ’ , and this is far removed from the outlook of some earlier Marxists — and of the members of a few left-wing groupuscules even today — who talk about ‘ smashing the bourgeois state ’ .
10 All this is then collected from their homes in the normal way and sent to be recycled .
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