Example sentences of "this [verb] is that [art] " in BNC.

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1 However , what this assumes is that the police never make decisions to de-politicise crime , which they plainly do in their endeavour to argue that many assaults by whites upon black are not racist in their intent , merely matters of public order .
2 What all this shows is that a distinctively structuralist kind of criticism is possible , and moreover , that it is more than the simple application and refinement of the tools of poetics .
3 As an Egyptian columnist recently remarked in the Cairo newspaper Al Ahram : ‘ What this shows is that the new world order is a system of codified international piracy . ’
4 What this shows is that the physical absence or presence of the other party at the time of the transaction by itself bears no necessary relationship to the appropriateness of the transaction being investigated and made the subject of an order by an English court .
5 What this implies is that a group of people who , as consumers , constructed and sustained this image of the individualist tradition also , as producers , constructed the very image of change , community and modernity to which it is opposed .
6 In brief , what this means is that every individual comprising the population of interest should have an equal chance of being selected for the sample .
7 What this means is that the faster we go , the more the apparent wind direction swings forwards .
8 What this means is that the opportunity to make worthwhile teaching points , about the subject matter on display , will be missed .
9 What this means is that the output stage consists of two halves .
10 What this means is that the appearance , in the nonperspectival sense , can be identified by the use of a hypothetical statement .
11 What this means is that the rule-based competence which the monitor offers to the BSL learner is the already established grammatical knowledge of English .
12 What this means is that the taking of leisure is self-defeating ; the fact that one is one 's own boss adds to , rather than subtracts from , the psychological pressures to do housework .
13 Keeping to the domestic front for the moment , what this means is that the conclusions which women reach , no matter how carefully and intelligently they are worked out , can never have the status of decisions .
14 What this means is that the individual in public feels obliged to broadcast an unceasing stream of non-verbal signs , intended to inform others , whether they be acquaintances or more often otherwise , of the place which he or she expects to have in the undertakings which follow .
15 What this means is that the candidate receiving more votes than any other candidate is declared elected .
16 What this means is that the memory will only hold 48,000 characters and this is shared between RAM and ROM .
17 One problem this poses is that the Education Act ( 1981 ) specifically excludes from special educational provision children whose difficulties arise because of a non-English language background :
18 All this proves is that the Chancellor is human like the rest of us .
19 What this suggests is that a different type of decision-making with correspondingly different procedures may be more relevant .
20 What this suggests is that the idea of ‘ the nation ’ , once extracted , like the mollusc , from the apparently hard shell of the ‘ nation-state ’ , emerges in distinctly wobbly shape .
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