Example sentences of "this [noun] give the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 There was however some danger of developments of this kind given the resources of the powers that were active in the region .
2 This function gives the logarithm to the base " e " of its argument .
3 In times of financial stringency , when almost any change in criminal justice legislation or practice is likely to affect court costs , this responsibility gives the Lord Chancellor 's Department heightened influence across the penal field as a whole .
4 This category gives the pupils even greater control over the learning process by allowing the input data and manipulate it in various ways .
5 It will be appreciated that this rule gives the registrar a wide discretion .
6 This plan gives the impression that Lothian 's transport specialists were uncertain whether to allow traffic to flow along George IV Bridge and its extensions , or not ; so the decision was taken to make the traffic flow more difficult and see what happened as a result .
7 This machine gives the computer digital information about the last 's freeform surface .
8 This calibration gives the basis to compare the dated records of the climate shifts to the calendar years as measured by ice-core layering .
9 It thus gained a considerable audience , including many people who would not normally have watched a film of this type given the subject matter .
10 At first glance this constellation gives the impression of being a vast , faint open cluster .
11 Divide the amount you have to shuffle by the horizontal distance you had previously moved your head : this ratio gives the weight of your head as a fraction of your whole body weight .
12 DARLINGTON 'S doctors this week gave the thumbs down to Conservative MP Michael Fallon .
13 The US Department of Energy this week gave the go-ahead for a $39-million project to rebuild the core of one of the world 's largest solar power plants with the goal of generating commercial quantities of electricity by 1998 .
14 First it was agreed ( the meeting in this respect giving the impression of being a little behind events ) that Asquith should make no attempt to form a Government without Lloyd George and the Unionists .
15 It extolled the benefits of home births and especially the feeling of control that this method gives the mother .
16 She liked to be in control , and this feeling gave the impression it could get out of control …
17 This role gives the counsellor a threefold task .
18 Heightened legislative activity on this scale gave the Lord Chancellor and his office enhanced standing in Whitehall .
19 The main theme Laclotte has chosen to investigate is the work of Giorgione and Titian , and their influence through the century , and while a number of artists and types of art are inevitably sidelined , this choice gives the exhibition an unusual coherence .
20 As well as providing time to construct the transaction , this clause gives the management certainty that the business will not be sold over their heads during this period .
21 This Article could aid considerably the plight of upland broadleaved woods discussed in Chapter 9 but much evidence given to the House of Lords Select Committee on this item gave the proposal a very mixed reception .
22 Taken together with the author 's Building & Civil Engineering Standard Forms ( 1969 with 1970 and 1973 Supplements ) and the tenth edition of Hudson 's Building and Engineering Contracts ( 1970 ) which is edited by the author , this book gives the practitioner sound and practical assistance on virtually any problem which may confront him in this difficult and increasingly important area of law .
23 Britain 's newest prison will be opening its doors this weekend to give the public a chance to see how prisoners will be treated .
24 Britain 's newest prison will be opening its doors this weekend to give the public a chance to see how prisoners will be treated .
25 Yet this America gave the world hip hop : arts which brag that ghetto values can equal their middle class opposites ; music which takes pride in the language of the marginal .
26 Now we could n't have him in this year to give the others a chance so this is how you voted for the nineteen ninety three racing personality of the year on Channel Four and let's take it in reverse order starting with the person who finished fourth .
27 Ministers are pinning their hopes on a big spending Christmas this year to give the nation 's High Streets and struggling businesses a boost .
28 New financial arrangements introduced this year give the academy greater control over its resources , and enhance its discretion and determine spending priorities across the range of its activities .
29 Congress , this country gave the world football , cricket and railways .
30 This system gives the animal much more speed and stamina .
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