Example sentences of "this [noun] were [vb pp] to " in BNC.

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1 Of particular importance from the Soviet point of view , states of this kind were held to be ‘ objectively anti-imperialist ’ in that they generally opposed the substantial control over their domestic affairs that had traditionally been exercised by the major capitalist powers .
2 Of these 30 dismissals those which came before the Industrial Tribunal in this case were found to be unfair .
3 Only letter strings which appeared in this dictionary were considered to be correct .
4 Disasters of this sort were confined to neither traditionally flooded land nor the winter months .
5 Shop assistants in this period were expected to be of " respectable " appearance and speech .
6 Not all coffins of this period were put to funerary use .
7 Cosmid clones in this contig were fitted to the order of cosmid probes ( vertical lines 1-30 ) by the program reorder , while 8 other probes were specified as ‘ sleeping ’ ones ( 31-33 — oligonucleotide probes , 34-36 — cosmid pools , 37-38 — YAC probes ) .
8 A further 19 per cent of this sample were judged to be borderline cases .
9 A fair number of towns of this rank were reputed to be boroughs , though incorporation was something of a rarity and might well depend on special circumstances : Rye , Winchelsea and Hastings , for example , were Cinque Ports .
10 Finance was a constant source of tension within the city , and increasingly the city 's problems in this area were seen to be the fault of the Poles .
11 Like other elements of the left-wing movement , however , activists in this sphere were subjected to extensive government oppression , which prevented almost all activity until 1918 and hampered it severely from the late 1920s .
12 Not all the birds that Gould caught in this way were subjected to an impromptu autopsy .
13 This in turn reduced the maintenance costs of removing and replacing 200 flying hour cassettes from their positions , which by this time were required to be near the tail of the aircraft in order that they might have the maximum chance of surviving impact forces in a crash .
14 I was , he told me just what I wanted to hear , ‘ that watches of this make were issued to RAF navigators ’ .
15 Evidently , people in this street were used to strange cars being parked and nobody had thought it worth while to ring the police , despite the fact that the doors bristled with Neighbourhood Watch signs .
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