Example sentences of "this [noun] you have [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Your family is not worth this £81.84 you have spent . ’
2 In this industry you 've got to be very much an ‘ open-door ’ person .
3 Look whoever 's editing this tape you 've seen the cunt .
4 In this chapter you have discovered many ways in which foods containing dietary fibre can make you feel more satisfied — and the food has not yet gone down the throat .
5 What you will have to protect , with all the ingenious means we have looked at , is just how this murder you have devised was committed .
6 And yet I tell you what and if you go and play football on Sunday and you 're not a hundred percent fit from this cold you 've lost all next week as well .
7 He was another butcher , you see , he bought the other cart and my father kept the best , this cart you 've got was the best cart , yeah .
8 At this point you have got to say something interesting or else the conversation will pass on and leave you isolated once more .
9 ‘ Serve the Captain — what 's this stuff you 've given me ?
10 ‘ Since this morning you 've had two huge shocks to your system .
11 In Commercial Plastics Ltd v Vincent [ 1965 ] 1 QB 623 the restrictive covenant read : " In view of the highly technical and confidential nature of this appointment you have agreed not to seek employment with any of our competitors in the PVC calendering field for at least one year after leaving our employ " .
12 this topic you 've got ?
13 I keep walking in this rubbish you 've swept in the
14 I have to go back a stage , I have n't actually explained what these four to you , on this page you 've got four boxes .
15 ‘ To get anywhere in this game you 've got to be stubborn , bombastic , what may appear to be ignorant .
16 So this week you 've done well Friday and Saturday
17 So what do you , did they , what do you reckon 's gon na happen at this tribunal you 've got to go to ?
18 ‘ You sound very calm , bearing in mind this mix-up you 've landed in ! ’
19 Oh , Jessie , of all the people you could have taken a fancy to in this world you 've got to go and pick one of the Feltons .
20 ‘ What is this information you 've got ? ’
21 er for the time being and if you ask Dave about this thing you 've missed and also about what this business about erm cos he has explained it to me but I 'm not quite sure about it , this business of keeping a , a sort of l record of all the practicals for this term
22 This thing you 've got , it ought to go to Devon .
23 So I just use this thing you 've got ?
24 If you want to act out this sickness you 've got then I suppose you must .
25 Well , this time you 've met your match , Adam Burns .
26 And this time you 've disgraced us too . ’
27 Now this time you 've got two minus five .
28 Because by this time you had moved on to explaining what you wanted me to do and I think I had missed some essential point .
29 Indeed , I did not deserve so kind a one , but by this time you have received my last .
30 This time you have overreached yourself .
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