Example sentences of "this [noun] [conj] i [modal v] " in BNC.

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1 I intend to reinforce and highlight some of the recommendations that have been mentioned in many thoughtful contributions this afternoon and I will pose a series of questions to the Minister , whom I welcome to her first estimates debate .
2 ‘ Mary and I took our dogs down there this afternoon and I must admit we did n't like it , Mary was quite frightened .
3 There 's a nurses ’ meeting at the church this afternoon and I must n't be late , ’ she said quickly .
4 In any event , I chose this route and I must ever take the consequences . ’
5 Hoping that by August next year , something 'll come of this photography and I can walk straight into a maybe go to a college or if that is n't on the cards , into some sort of a technical lab or something .
6 Erm improving market share , well all of our businesses have improved their market share during this recession and I 'll , I 'll mention them as I go through the individual companies .
7 oh , oh look I 'll have this tea and I 'll go over and get something , the what ?
8 But there was this fear that I 'd become a junkie if I hung out with these people .
9 The second argument about the origins of the incest taboo is the one that relates to the major theme of this chapter and I shall consider it at some length .
10 I I 've been coming here for forty years so far and and provocative statement I think in your programme this Autumn is the best that you 've had for years it 's a very good combination of classical and and modern plays and I really congratulate you on this programme and I would like to see that standard maintained .
11 Do n't forget tomorrow night we have another Sport Special , Nottingham Forest against Wolverhampton Wanderers in the Endsleigh Insurance first division , Colin will be in this seat and I 'll be popping across to Molyneux , my first ever trip to Molyneux would you believe ?
12 Here , here , I second that on H on page thirty one very important one , the county council welcomes the recognition by the joint working party of the importance of meaningful support services to the elected members and the recomme recommendation that the Secretary of State should review and clarify the powers of local authorities to meet costs of services provided to members to enable them to carry out their duties as councillors Now the erm members appointments , appointments of member services sub have been discussing this issue and I would like to point out to members that we are not claiming the amount allowable for the paying members allowances we erm we 're way below the limit that 's allowable by the government Now before anyone say well what have you done about it ?
13 I paid good money for this vehicle and I wo n't have the likes of you doing what you 're doing !
14 She has always had this dream that I would make it to university and she will be devastated if I do n't continue , but the way I am feeling now , I do n't want to .
15 This is the great hall and I could spend easily as long as I 've already spent on on this hall but I wo n't .
16 So Parsons got me this job and I used to sit up there and answer the phones . ’
17 A high degree of constructive conflict is almost essential in this process and I should perhaps quote the comments of a wise manager I worked for at one time , who pointed out that in industry the optimum level of conflict is not zero ; just as no friction or one hundred per cent friction immobilizes movement in a mechanical sense , so total absence of conflict or one hundred per cent conflict will immobilize movement in a company .
18 I see a set of conclusions that achieve almost everything that was demanded at that time and I am grateful to everybody concerned who 's actually sat down and actually really thought about what we 're trying to do and everybody has made some compromise here and I shall certainly support this amendment and I shall make the compromise because the one thing in here that I thought was necessary that is n't there is the statement that there will be a head of centre and having actually worked in a project , head of sorry , head of project and having actually worked in a situation where I was a joint manager erm in the long run I think people will see the the wisdom of of a single head of project .
19 Ed , I think argued a very strong case for a greater level of influence of trade unionists in the Party than is suggested in this reform and I can see the force of those remarks but the C E C adopted the position that we did not want to take a position of dominance to the Party Conference .
20 Well that 's why now I 'm glad when I 'm come on this diet that I can fill his
21 My phone number is not the one listed on this article as I may have moved to a new address by the time you read this .
22 All I need for you to tell me right now is you 're going to commit yourself to this product and I will come round and we 'll sign the contract , all the stuff you told him , then we 'll talk about copy and it does n't cost you anything .
23 ‘ You mention your doubts to anyone outside this room and I 'll sue you and your family for everything they 've got ! ’
24 Eunice : We own this place so I can let you in .
25 I thought this robot and I would do something wonderful .
26 I told him this evening that I must have some daylight .
27 The I 'm your representative for the minster governors and I 'll be slipping out later on this evening if I may of the installation of the new headteacher , that will be seven minutes time so if you 'll excuse me .
28 I said I get a lot of enquiries from frustrated knitters on this point and I can well understand their frustration .
29 ‘ I sense almost a vendetta in this town and I 'll never start another business in Northallerton under the heel of such a group .
30 And er , it went wrong so she took her daughter 's out of her bedroom and using hers and when our John came down she were telling about it so he said oh I 'll take it this Sunday and I 'll fix it for you , of course with John working away he took the television
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