Example sentences of "this [noun] [pron] have the " in BNC.

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1 In this case we have the simple result that the preferences of the median voter are decisive .
2 ’ ‘ It 's funny to think that just this afternoon I had the idea of getting poor old Eddy to come over to the Gates and tell me something about himself …
3 This afternoon you have the opportunity to take an optional tour to Universal Studios where you can see the film sets of your favourite TV shows and famous movies .
4 Indeed , at this level they have the disturbing effect of implying that a whole range of tasks can be undertaken concurrently .
5 At this moment she had the urge to fly back to the house , take her into her arms again and say ‘ I 'm going to make it up to you for all the love that I 've withheld , and for all the love you 've missed in your life . ’
6 Er around this period we have the widespread use of things like colour television which has now started to appear in everybody 's homes and the beginnings of various holiday programmes .
7 It is also members of this group who have the strongest personal motivation for thinking about and working on the educational system , for they in the main are the teachers with young children of their own , at the beginning of their school careers .
8 In this enterprise he had the support of one of the leading Norman ‘ dissidents ’ , Geoffroi d'Harcourt , who represented the dissatisfaction of the duchy at the way it was being ruled by the Valois king .
9 On this occasion we had the formation of a new company , British Urban Development ( BUD ) backed by eleven property , engineering and construction companies which have each contributed £5 million of initial share capital .
10 ‘ And I understand in this district we have the highest pay-outs of social security , ’ he added .
11 On this page we have the the Churchill barrier .
12 This month I have the final part of the Creatures 2 solution , the second half of the Blues Brothers solution I printed last month , and lots more .
13 Hardly a week goes by now without us having a new champion … central south sport has never had it so good … this week we 've the European champion of champions to toast … the name is Sue Wright … the game is squash … and this is the Friday Feature
14 No not yet , it was started on Tuesday this week they have the books for ten days or something before they started on them .
15 He had never felt anything like this — he was a lay figure , a lump of synthetic wax beside this man who had the humanity to cry .
16 ‘ In preparing this Address I had the opportunity to reflect back over the last thirty years , reliving those working days when wages were extremely low , working conditions poor and when in industry a person 's life was cheap .
17 At the end of The Counterlife there is a letter from Nathan Zuckerman to Maria on this subject which has the force of a statement of allegiance on the part of Philip Roth .
18 For this reason we have the feeling that a Braque jug is just as real and valid , just as much a distinct unity , as the jug that comes from the potter 's wheel .
19 In this paragraph we have the basis for Brian Way 's philosophy : he is interested in introducing direct experience into education .
20 Find words in this list which have the same two or more letters next to each other in the same order .
21 All through this conversation he had the impression that Frank no longer sneered ; and as he went back to Liverpool he was sure that he was more tolerant and sympathetic and ‘ was willing to grant that there was some sense in some of the things which I longed for him to share ’ .
22 In this way we have the opportunity to be more in tune with nature and to heighten our awareness of the things around us .
23 Last year we got caught on the break too many times … this year we have the pace/organisation to deal with that … and Lukic is nt bad at 1 on 1 's …
24 Mr Thomas added : ‘ This year we have the opportunity to examine ourselves , our communities and our attitudes .
25 This year you have the option of using a right to buy receipts to build more housing and yet you are turning it down .
26 It is built in brick and has some fine Tudor gateways in this material which have the flattened , four-centred arch , typical of the later Perpendicular period .
27 This time he had the table to himself .
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